6. Dreams Come True

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"So I might have also discovered that I had a mommy kink?" he says, holding his shoulders up in a shrug-like motion. "And that I really liked when you called me your baby boy because I also have a baby boy kink?"

"Is that what you want to call me for now on?" I ask, smiling down at him.

"Can I?!" he says, beaming up at me.

"Of course. I'm not going to stop you if it makes you happy." I say, locking my fingers together at his lower back.

"So does that mean I get a nickname too?" he smiles up at me.

"You are too cute. Of course you do." I smile, booping his nose. I smile wider when he giggles.

"Is it still Snoopy?" he giggles.


"Zeus?" he tilts his head.


"Then what is it?" he says, pouting.

"A name you really like." I smile down at him.


"No, Woo. It is Baby Boy." I smile when he blushes hard and leans forward into me, nuzzling into my neck.

"Does that name make my baby boy shy?" I tease.

"Jus a little." I hear him whisper.

"Well, let's hope you get used to it. I am going to be calling you that a lot." I smile. "Now! I believe that it is cuddle o'clock. Am I wrong?"

"Nope! Let's go!" he cheers, clapping his hands softly.

I smile and stand up, carrying him with me.

"Couch in the living room or my room?" I ask as we walk down the hall.

"Your room. It is more comfy!" he smiles up at me with a soft smile.

I carry him up the stairs and into my bedroom. I lay him down on my bed as I get in after him.

"Movie is your choice." I say, holding out the remote to the TV once I switch it to Netflix.

"Can we watch that new movie with the blue people? The one that has been on the TV lately!" he asks, bouncing up and down in his spot.

"Onward?" I ask, scrolling through it before finding the movie. I lay back on the pile of pillows behind me and cover up. I smile when JungWoo comes closer to me and snuggles into me, with his head on my shoulder, arms around my waist. I put an arm over his shoulders and let him lay down on my chest.

I hit play on the movie and we watch the opening credits. I feel him move his head so I look down and see him looking up at me. His smile is so cute and soft.

I lean down and nuzzle my nose against his for a moment before pulling back. He giggles and smiles up at me even more.

"What?" I ask, smiling down at him.

"Nothing. Just happy." he says, giggling after.

I smile down at him and kiss the top of his head before turning back to the movie.

"I am too." I whisper, kissing the top of his head one more time.


"Yes, baby?"

"Can I ask you something?" he asks, looking up at me.

"Of course."

"What are we?" he says, looking down at his hands for a moment.

"Well... For one we are friends. Then we are roommates. Then we are soulmates. Then we are mommy and baby. Hopefully, we can be more." I explain.

"More?" he looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Well, you are my baby boy already but what if I want to have you as more. What if I want you as mine?" I say hypothetically.

He looks down at his hands before he covers his cheeks when I begin to see a deep red blush on his cheeks.

"Baby, look at me." he raises his head. 

"Will you let me spoil you more then you ever have? Will you let me take care of you? Will you let me take you out? Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, smiling down at him.

I don't even get a verbal answer at first.

Just someone lunging at me and hugging me tight as he sits in my lap.


I smile and wrap my arms around his small waist and hug him tight. 

I kiss of the top of his head before I pull away and have him sitting in my lap. 

I take his face into my hands. 

I kiss his forehead.

I kiss his left temple.

I kiss his right temple.

I kiss his left cheek.

I kiss his right cheek.

I kiss the tip of his nose.

I kiss his chin.

And then I kiss lips.

I pull away and look at his bright, blushing red face.

"Thank you, mommy!" he smiles.

"Thank you baby boy." I smile up at him.

Mommy's Baby Boy | NCT's JungWoo x f(x)'s AmberWhere stories live. Discover now