Chapter 16

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"I'm just tired of always being wrong"-Cimorelli

(Lauren's POV)
I sat next to Lisa on the couch.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" Lisa said.

"Yep." I chuckled. "I need to talk to you."

"Ok, shoot." She shifted nervously. Why was she nervous?

"Well-uh." I couldn't find the right words to explain this warm feeling that I have when I'm around her. "I- I just have this, like, warm feeling around you. A-and it makes the butterflies in my stomach start flying around. I-I'm sorry if this is-"

Lise cut me off. "I do too. But, what is it?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, relieved that i got it out, with her understanding. But, she feels the same. What is this feeling?!

"I think it's called love." Christina said walking in. "Well maybe not love immediately but, you guys have feelings for each other." She sat down next to Lisa.

Lisa and I looked at each other, the same question on our faces. 'Will they accept us?' And 'What does this mean for us?'

Then Lisa spoke up."W-well do you accept us?"

Christina's eyes had a softer look in her eyes. "Of course I do." She pulled both of us in for a hug. "And im sure the other girls will too."

(Remember that Lauren and Lisa are not related in this book.)

I looked at Lisa. "What does this mean for us?" I asked.

Christina got up and said, "Im going to my room."

Lisa and I nodded.

"My room?" I asked.

"Sure." Lisa said and we walked upstairs to my room. I shut the door and we sat down on my bed.

"So?" I started. "What's going to happen?"

"I-I don't know... I want to give it a shot." Lisa said. I nodded my head, agreeing with her.

"But can we make sure that we're sure about this?" I asked, wanting to make sure Lisa is on the same page as me.

"Of course." Lise hugged me and I hugged back. "Alright well, I'll let you sleep. Goodnight."

Lisa stood up but i grabbed her wrist. "Stay. Please?" I asked, obviously not wanting her to leave.

Lisa nodded and we got ready for bed. I checked the time. 10:54 PM. Wow. We got in bed and I wrapped my arms around her waist. This time, Lisa didn't tense up or flinch. I smiled to myself.

"Lisa, tomorrow Dani and I are heading back with my mom ok? She's probably worried and we need to explain everything." I explained.

"Ok." Was all Lisa said before turning to look at me. We looked in each other's eyes for a few moments. Oh wow i could get lost in them- I think I already am lost in her eyes. I realized I was leaning in slowly. Lisa's eyes glanced from my lips to my eyes, before leaning in too. Our lips met and it was a slow and passionate kiss. I smiled through the kiss, feeling her smile too. We pulled away and stared at each other again.

"Lauren?" Lisa said.


What is Lisa going to say?
I'm deciding to make this two separate chapters cause or else it would be a long chapter.
Anyway you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

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