ch.3 the after party

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the party had just finished but natasha and clint had been sent on a mission, thor got and urget message from asgard so he went home bruce and tony went back to stark tower and that left me and steve.

if you cant already tell I love having sleepovers so after about a few seconds of begging Steve agreed to have one as long as I helped him with doing some catching up on the world I knew I wouldn't be much help because I had been locked up most of my life but still I agreed to help

they got back to the shield base where they went to the basement where her apartment is she unlocked the door to let Steve in then she locked it behind her she led Steve into the apartment and they sat on the couch and katiana grabbed the tv remote to put on a movie. once they agreed on re watching the sit com friends she paused it and took Steve to her room.

"I'm going to go to Clint and nats room and see if I can find you some pjs to wear" she said and walked to try and find some,  a few minutes later katiana came in with a pair of flannel bottoms.

"sorry I forgot Clint doesn't wear shirts to bed" she said walking over to him

"its okay to be honest I struggle to find shirts that fit me" he said smiling at katiana

she handed him the bottoms and then got changed in the bathroom into her own pjs 

she handed him the bottoms and then got changed in the bathroom into her own pjs 

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katianas pjs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

once she was changed she took out her hair brushed it through and let it hang down her back, she then wiped of her make up took her contacts out and put on her glasses then walked out of the bathroom to see Steve reading a book, he had heard her come in through the door and he turned around and saw her, he thought she looked beautiful she came over to steve and gave him a big hug he returned it taking in her sent.

"what was that for" steve asked 

"for not running away in fear" she replied sadly

Steve knew how she thought of her self see saw herself as a monster she thought she was a burden, mistake she even thought she should be dead but through that is a genuine nice caring and loving girl and thats the katiana he knew.  he realised her was falling in love with her be he thought it could never happen 

for the next few hours they sat on the sofa watching movies and katiana educating him on harry potter

"katiana im back" a voice shouted through the apartment 

"hey Nat I'm in here" katiana replied back 

"what's Steve  doing here" Nat said a little rudely

"staying for a sleep over" katiana replied 

"hey Steve speaking of we should probably head to bed do you wanna wait upstairs" katiana explains

"sure" Steve replies and heads upstairs

"katiana ariana romanova what the fuck do you think you are doing playing with his innocent mind like that he hasnt even lost his fucking virginity what are you thinking this isnt right" natasha starts shouting 

"what are you talking about Natasha what are you getting angry for i haven't done anything to him so stop yelling your just going to attract attention" katiana madly replied back

"stop acting dumb katiana you just want meanless sex because you feel like it well no it should be his choice" natasha argued back

"enough Natasha" katiana started getting stressed and angry so she turned to face the wall just then Steve stood at the door watching those two 

"no why why are you using him why are you so stupid" 

"I SAID ENOUGH" katiana swung her hand as she turned around shooting spikes of ice from her hands 

(yes frozen referance shut up)

"youre a monster katiana" natasha said her eyes evidently full of fear 

katiana began to cry her own sister saw her as a monster she ran to her room slammed her door sunk down down on her bed and began to cry

703 words 

thanks for reading this chapter the next one is a chapter you defiantly need to read so stay tuned for that thx babes xxxxx

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