ch.17 the best day of my life

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4 years later

katiana and steve were asleep on the bed wrapped in each other in the morning, but soon there were creaking floor boards and two little munchkins coming to wake up there parents 

"mommy daddy wake up" the twins said now jumping on there parents 

there names were Brooklyn rose rogers and everlyn maria rogers. brooke was completely a daddys girl where as everlyn was definitely a mommys girl although they were both more obsessed with there uncle bucky and his arm or there sister and her telekenisis,  everlyn had been born with ice powers where as Brooklyn was born with steves strength. 

"mommy is up my little angels" katiana said in between yawns and picking up her children and pulling them close as both of the girls press a kiss to either cheek

"I think daddy is still sleeping so how about we go make pancakes and make up your sister" katiana asked her youngest daughters 

"yay" the girls exclaimed and ran to wandas room 

katiana walked down the stairs to meet bucky making coffee

"old man want a coffee" bucky asked kat

"no I don't think so I left him to sleep in he was up late with Brooklyn " kat replied 

katiana walked over to the kitchen cupboard  and started on the pancakes 

footsteps were heard

"incoming" bucky shouted

soon in came two screaming and levitating, did I mention levitating children 

"sissy put us down" the girls said at the same time they seem to have this twin thing where they say stuff together at the same time it would creep them out at times but they got used to it.

wanda gently levitated them down to the ground and set them in there chairs ready to help make breakfast 

"kat, wanda your tea is here" bucky shouted to them 

"thanks buck we will be right there" kat shouted from the counter that she was dealing with the twins 

kat walked with wanda to grab there brews and then kat walked back to her little munchkins to start the pancakes 

"right I think that's enough stirring you two are lucky its a weekend otherwise I would have to take you to school like this jeez" the twins laughed as they were stirring the batter getting it all over themselves, bucky came over after finishing his coffee to wipe there faces and play with them till their pancakes were ready.

steve walked down the stairs and walked up behind his fiancé and wrapped his arms around her middle,

"morning gorgeous" he said in his gruff and sexy morning voice

"morning handsome" kat replied leaning in to his touch 

"alright my little angels pancakes are served" the kids came running through the door and parking their little bums on the chairs while katiana placed the plates of pancakes in front of each child 

"kisses" steve said walking over to his kids earning a kiss on the cheek from both 

"what about me" kat asked pleadingly with her hands on her hips

"I save the best till last" steve said walking over and pulling her in for a passionate kiss his arms holding her butt and her arms wrapped around his neck 

"ewwww daddy stop eating mommy" everlyn said covering her eyes while scolding her dad, stev and kat pulled away giggling and going back to making food for them selves.

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