Chapter 15: Cameron

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It was a long way. I remembered how I jumped from trees to trees. To think of it, how did I do that?

"Harley." I whispered. My friend tilted his head.

"How did I jump from trees to trees last time?"

"..." The sunshine boy was searching for information in his head. "I don't know to be honest. I was surprised the first time I did that but if there's monsters, anything is possible."

"One more question." I said while dodging a poison ivy. We were walking high paced, but the building Princess Valentina mentioned seemed far. "Did you know about Princess Valentina being Princess Valentina?"

"I guess not...and I really can't keep up with the situation. What is this island anyway? Who really is King Enzo?"

"One way to find out." I hopped onto lower branches and swiftly landed on the floor. "I guess this is the prison where the real Princess Luna is."

It was a tall building made of concrete about the size of a small cheap apartment. It wasn't too hard to find since it stood out in the green. Though it was too small to be spot if I hadn't know it was in the south of the island. I would never imagine a princess living in here. It was filthy with moss all over and bird poop all over the grey and green.

Harley and I gave a nod to each other as I opened the rustled metal door. Surprisingly it wasn't locked and we were able to get in smoothly. The inside was cleaner than I expected, and I can tell someone cleaned the hallway recently. The wood made floor didn't have a single dust and the lights were on, meaning someone must've been here. There were few doors, two, and a staircase in the back. Just the moment I was about to open the closest door to another room, I heard heavy footsteps coming to our size.

"Cam a Shadow Hunter!" Harley sheathe his sword. My pants were about to be wet but I sheathe my sword.

"Sorry survivors, your survival game ends here." The Shadow Hunter said as he charged with two shiny swords in his hands.

In the narrowed hallway we had no place to dodge. I stuck my foot out and the Shadow Hunter fell on the ground. Harley quickly stabbed one of his legs.

I felt clever.

But with the scream of the Shadow Hunter I was terrified. Harley started crying at what he did.

"C'mon Harley, we need to find Princess Luna."


"Um, excuse you?" I jumped by a voice that was behind me. A high smooth calming voice, opposite of Princess Valentina, and is quieter than Skylar. I turned around to see a girl about my age in a purple gown with jewelry all over. She had a silver and sapphires made tiara that would worth thousands of dollars sitting there on her purple head. "May I help you?"

"Are you Princess Luna!?" Harley asked hurriedly. Princess Luna blinked in surprised by her name as she nodded.

"You have to come with us. This whole island is at war!" I explained. "Princess Valentina send us to tell you this and you'll know what to do."

Princess Luna's blue eyes, similar to Princess Valentina's widened. "The rebellion is finally here than." She took my sword out of my hand and unsheathe it back to my scabbed. "Give me one minute to change. We're going to the computer room, the heart of Bellicor."


It was unbelievable how fast a princess who was in a pretty gown earlier to wear a explorer outfit and have high physical fitness. We were high paced going through the jungle and out in the mountains once more.

"So what is this computer room we're going?" I asked earlier.

"The computer, as I said, can be said as the heart of Bellicor. It's where the Shadow Hunter's are made and controlled. The Shadow Hunter is a combination of a cyborg and monster to raise their power. It can't be defeated nor can it attack without orders. The purpose is to protect King Enzo at all cost and nothing else."

So it's a human + robot + monster creep. Huh.

Princess Luna stomped on the snow without hesitant and I wasn't too surprised that she was Princess Valentina's cousin. I watch Disney Princess movies with my sister, but I know not every princess is like Snow White.

"So are we gonna destroy it?" I wanted to put on my boots but if lives are depending on it, I dare not to ask.

"Basically. We can stop the Shadow Hunter robots by shutting down it from the computer room, though there's Shadow Hunters that are on guard so I highly don't recommend it. I think the best way is to bomb it." Princess Valentina scrambled in her fanny pack and took a out a square, large candle sized cylinder in a bundle of four with a small complicated machinery.

Harley wrinkled his brows and kept a distance from Princess Valentina. "Is that a...bomb?"

"Yep...I have three of these that a survivor sacrificed his live to get it to me. He told me it someday a rebellion would be lead by my cousin Luna. And today's the day." She put them back in her bag and frowned. "Destinies are strange—who would have thought the rebellion would be in my twelfth birthday?"

"Princess Luna?" Harley spoke still scared of the bomb in her bag. "What would happen to the people who became a cyborg...a Shadow Hunter?"

"They're already dead. It's called a 'cyborg' but only the outside is the human, and the inside, including the personality is a robot." She sighed melancholy. "I'm sorry, we can't save them if that's what you are asking. Half of their brain is pulled out and most of their systems are gone."

"Oh..." Harley's gaze dropped, disappointed.

Princess Luna stopped. "Can you hear this?"

I focused on the sounds ears stood tall as a rabbit. Bzzzzz A strange bee like sound, no, more like a speaker that broke, buzzled in my ear. I focused more and I realized it was coming from underneath me.

"It's here." Princess Luna shuffled around, searching for something. "I'm going to put a time bomb here and it'll explode 360 degrees, half a kilometer. In the count of three, run."

"Wait, what!?"



"Wait you can't be serious!"


"We might die..."


Princess Luna clicked a big red button, the start button for the timer. I ran for my life that I got used to. We didn't have time to look back how far we ran.


A loud explosion, like a Fourth of July fireworks boomed behind my back. I flung a feet forward without my ankles touching the ground. I carefully looked back. Ten feet away, the snow had black ash. I looked to the right forward seeing Princess Luna, and to the left my friend Harley. We all survived the explosion (that we set up ourselves), alive.

"Mission clear?" I panted only my right side of me smiling.

"Mission clear.  The Shadow Hunters should be powered off by now." Princess Luna grunted approvingly to the ash snow ground just when a arrow went through her shoulder and cough some blood.

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