Chapter 8: Cameron

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Skylar whispered to the egg, her voice pretty as if she was mumbling a song. Each time her lips blew a breeze of sound, it was clear as the ocean, full of life. I stared at the Asian girl hugging the egg gently with her smooth flour-colored hands.

Though, that was ten minutes ago.

I flinched and opened my eyes, now seeing that I was imprisoned. My wrist had a tight tight metal bracelet that were attached were attached to a chain link, and when I looked down I saw that it was the same on my ankles. Feeling a weight on my stomachs, I saw another—but larger-strip of metal that wrapped around my waist; it connected to the wall so I couldn't move much. For a few minuets, I wiggled around to try and slip out of them, but it was a helpless cause.

Beside me was Skylar, who was now returning to her senses as she gave me a quick blink and met my eyes, knowing what was happening. We were captured, and I had a strange feeling it wasn't for good things.

"You woke up?" I was jumped by a man's voice, who was getting something out from his leather bag. Eventually his eyes met mine for a second, then looked away.  "Eh, whatever."

He started to ignored us as he continued his task. I fiddled with my chains before adjusting myself, then suddenly pulled my feet apart, in a n attempt to break the chain that connected the, I looked at the man once more, before asking him halfheartedly and simple.. "Can you get us out then?"

"Nah," The guy responded like Sam, that was a big jerk and always took my orders wrong, every time. "You're my food , so why let you out?"

I blinked towards Skylar and she blinked back. Than at the same time our face ran with fear. We gave a glance saying, we're going to get eaten.

The spiky bumps of the mountain made my back ache. This cave had only one exit and a one way path. The cold smooth surface of cave made goose bumps on my legs. Only the scrambling sound of the guy's backpack avoided the death silence.

I decided information was our only help for how. The guy, necessary did not look like a monster. He had a Ancient Rome styled clothes white silk covering his body. He had a missing leg, which crept me out. His hair was shaggy bed hair popping up like a small kid. "Who are you?"

"I'm Erysichthon. Formerly. Turned out I was a reborn of him and I'm pretty hungry, well I'm always hungry." Erysichthon answered. Blank. I remained silent. Than I shook my head aggressively and asked,

"So your a reborn of whatever that is." I concluded.

"His name's Er-y-si-ch-th-on." Erysichthon answered about his before life name. "Don't you guys study Greek Mythology?"

This time Skylar replied for me. "No, and I'm highly sorry for not knowing who you are."

She sounded so respectful. I had a thought that she might try to use her manners and stuff to trick the hungry guy. I decided to keep my mouth shut and let Skylar do the talking.

Erysichthon looked pleased by the human girl's behavior and I just realized he was pretty annoyed with me. I silently thanked Skylar for saving my guts. "It's fine. Technically I'm not a monster so..."

My mouth was about to blab something out but stopped just in time. I shut my jaws close and glanced at Skylar. "Thank you for your understanding." Skylar gave a gentle smile. "If you are not a monster, how come that you are in the Island of Destiny?"

The reborn sighed his mind flying to his memories.  "So I was known for eating everyone—,"

"Wait, what?" Not even the good actresses Skylar could not hold her gasp. She raised her eye brows. Erysichthon coughed few times and the prisoners closed their wide opened mouth.

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