Untitled Part 13

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I tried to ignore it. I tried to pretend I didn't hear his half of the conversation. I tried to pretend it didn't bother me. I waited until Vic was completely asleep before I went through the conversation of him and Hayley. Her half was very provocative. His was only the same answer over and over again.

H: I want to kiss your stupid face. I am so HAPPY I met you, Vic. Lets try us.
V: I love Jennifer. Not you. Not gonna happen.
H: How do you know she loves you back? I know how you love. I love you with the same passion you love with. Be mine, Vic. C'mon.
V: I love Jennifer. Not you. Leave me alone.
H: You're going to regret not being mine before you know it. She doesn't love you, Vic. She's only using you.
V: I don't care what you have to say. I love Jennifer. Leave. Me. Alone.

I knew someone would try us at some point. I decided to wake Vic up so we could talk about this and get it out of my head.

"Vic, honey. Can you wake up for me please?" I shook him lightly. "Vic? Please?"
   "mmmm. Jennifer? Why are you out of bed? Everything okay? You have that look on your face like you're about to go into your headspace. Talk to me, baby."
"I heard you last night.... On the phone..... With Hayley." I looked at my feet. I was ashamed of hearing it. I don't know why. I did nothing wrong.
    "Let's go to the back lounge, we can talk about it. Okay?" I nodded. He grabbed a monster can and a water bottle for me as I went to sit down. 

"Why did you hide it from me, Vic?" I asked in a hushed tone.
   "I didn't want to stress you out. It just started the other day."
"The other day, like yesterday? Or the other day, like the day you found out we were having kids?" I looked at him, a little terrified of what the answer would be.
      "When we went to lunch, someone took a picture of me giving you that shirt. There was also a video taken, your voice clear as day, telling me that you're pregnant." I nodded. I was aware of these. "That's when she messaged me first. She knew that I never thought about having kids, or getting married, or having a future, really. She knew all these things, and is continuing to pin it against me. I love you. I want to marry you. I want to be the best husband and father that could ever exist." 

I stopped him there. "I love you, Victor. I have from the moment I met you. I dont know what kind of history you and Hayley Williams have, but I can assure you, that is nothing in comparison to OUR future together. I will never let you go. I wanna hold your hand so tight, Im going to break my wrist. I want nothing more than to spend my days wrapped up in your arms."  I didn't realize I was crying. 

He reached up and wiped a tear away from my face. "I want you to know, that Hayley means nothing to me. Never has. I never saw her like that. She's more of a sister to me. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you at Kellins house. Now, come on. Lets go feed my babies. You, included." He smiled at me, and helped me pick out my outfit for the day.

A simple red romper, black converse (because Im so clumsy) and a short sleeved black cardigan. The romper showed my legs, scars included, but it highlighted the small baby bump that was growing more and more every day. 

"Now, does my girl want taco bell for breakfast?" He asked as he started the car.

"You know the way straight to my heart!" I laughed and climbed in the car.

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