Lets play Twenty Questions.

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As we pulled into the IHOP, Vic proceeded to grill me with questions. 

"I want to know all about this beautiful creature in front of me, excuse me for wanting to know her, Kellin." Vic retorted.

"Just leave her alone, Fuentes. If she wants to tell you, she will. IN HER OWN TIME. You do not have to keep pestering her about it." Kellin said, defending me. He was always doing that, even growing up. Big brother Kellin.

"Kel, just leave it alone. Vic, I will answer your questions. Let's just order first, okay?" I laughed at the two arguing like a married couple.

Once everyone ordered, Vic began with the questions again. This time, one at a time.

"So, Jen. Lets start with an easy one. How old are you?" Vic began."I am 24. Birthday is July 24th."     "Are you single?""Yes..." I responded deflated.
Kellin glared at him from across the table while squeezing my hand.
"Let me explain why, so that way you dont feel so bad for asking about it, Vic." I began, "My ex-fiance, Craig, and I were together for 8 years. I came home one night, a little early from my get-a-way excursion for writing, to find him in bed with someone else. Someone that wasnt me. Someone that wasnt even the same gender as me. Now, Im not exactly mad at him for hiding his sexuality from me, but the fact that he lied to me for 8 years about how he loved me and wanted to marry me is why I am bitter. Craig apologizes constantly, and understands that I couldn't be happier for him finding his true self and moving on, but he also understands that I am still hurt over it and that my trust with him is a little broken right now. That is why I am here, with Kellin, and you. To get away and hopefully, start a new book."I took a deep breath and looked up at the short Mexican across the table. He looked dumbfounded.
"So......He was gay the whole time....?"     "Yep.""And didnt bother to tell you?!"     "Nope.""What in the actual fuck. Who can A. Keep a lie that long? And B. Lie about something so big, to someone they claim they care about?"     "Like I said, Its in the past. Its fine. Lets move on."
Vic looked slightly ashamed at the fact that he was stuck on that part. He was hurting for me, you could see it in his eyes. I didnt want to keep going on about that part of my life. It was over now. Im here and this is where I want to be.

"So, what do you do for a living, then, Jennifer."       "Well, Victor. I am a writer. I've written 4 books, and Im working on a new series about Greek gods, and goddesses." I smiled as my ideas were twirling in my head.
"Well, if it is anything like the last 4, sis, I can not wait to read it!" Kellin jumped in.

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