•Aliana's POV•Nikolas was...fucking beautiful and hot. Scratch that he could beat Adonis. His jawline was sharp and it looked like it could slice through anything. He was the tallest amongst everyone with an intimidating height of 6'3. His lips were plump and carved perfectly. His hair was brown and thick. And when his blue eyes met mine, I felt like my whole world stopped and I was trapped in them. His muscles were bulging out of the thin white shirt that he was wearing. I could faintly make out the tattoos that were hidden through his white shirt. The one that caught my eye was a red one that was showing through his shirt.
It looks like a..dragon? Weird choice. After the whole introduction and the fiasco with the blonde bimbo who's name I learnt was Kaitlyn we were in the cafeteria. My new group of friends sat at the back of the canteen. I did not mind that at all. Guess they don't like attention either.
After a few minutes, the cafeteria started piling up with students. I was on high alert and started scouting out for Kyle. I had to be discreet about this.
As soon as the group of jocks entered, all eyes were on them. I saw Kyle with Kaitlyn in his arms. One thing I did notice though, was when Kyle entered, the whole group tensed and followed his every move, just like I was.
Waaaait hold up. They can't be part of a gang too right? Baba did say different gangs would be there too but I think my group of friends just hated Kyle in general.
Even though each and every one of them looked like they could hurt someone. Especially Nikolas. His eyes narrowed into slits when staring at Kyle. Only then I realised Kyle was already staring at me. I gave him a bored, neutral expression so that it's not obvious.
The stare off was broken off when Kaitlyn pulled him in for a kiss. Well that was fun.
Everyone on the table too broke off the stare and started getting into conversations.
"So Aliana, what's your story?" I heard someone beside me ask. I turn to find Nikolas looking at me intently. Again, captivated by the blue eyes.
"Nothing exciting, just thought home schooling was depriving me from my teenage life and begged my parents to let me attend public school." I shrugged.
"Ah I see," He replied back while nodding. I grabbed my backpack and grabbed my apple swiftly so that Nikolas wont see the weapons in them. I took a bite from it and I got into conversing with the group.
Turns out the boys had been close friends ever since first grade. The girls came in their life during their fifth grade and started being close friends. How adorable.
While talking, my attention was grabbed when Kyle stood up on the table in the middle of the cafeteria. I stood up swiftly and to my surprise so did the rest of the group. What? Why are they on high alert about Kyle too? Okay focus Ali it doesn't matter.
"Everyone! This Friday I will be having a party and its gonna be the best one ever! Everyone is invited!" To where? His damn gang house where he wants everyone killed or some shit?
What? Could be a possibility. Never underestimate a fucking Maxwell.
I took my seat quickly so I didn't seem weird that I actually stood up abruptly when Kyle made an announcement. The smirk that he gave towards my group of friends did not go unnoticed by me.
You know I could kill him here right now, in the middle of this damn cafeteria. But that will only lead to war and it looks like all of us are already halfway through it. So nevermind.
"Party huh? What is he up to now?" Miranda said deep in thought.
"Whatever it is, we have to go no matter the risk and keep a lookout and gain intel." Newton said. Excuse me the fuck what? Gain intel?
"Um guys? Newbie here," I heard Levi whisper scream at them. I acted like I was daydreaming and didn't hear a single thing they said.
"Aliana? You good there?" I heard a husky voice ask me. I turned around and continue putting up my act, "Yeah sorry got lost a little there," I replied back to Nikolas. Everyone slumped their shoulders in relief. They thought I didn't hear what they were saying.
Well guess again friends, I am a fucking assassin.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The day passed by in a blur. I must say, I did enjoy my first day as a normal teenager. I even saw a few older gang members and assassins who were playing as teachers. Luckily they were from a friendly gang and not a rival one. I even met some who I used to train with. Guess Kyle Maxwell is pretty popular.
"Hey Ali have you ever been to a party before?" Sierra asked me. She may seem like a quiet girl with her glasses but she is the way opposite of that.
"Never, why?" If I think she is going to ask what she is going to ask-
"Okay cool then! As your friends and your guides to leading a normal teenage life, you will be coming with us to the party that Kyle Maxwell has invited everyone too!" I saw the rest of them shoot her a glare and their expression held the face, 'she is not going to be safe'.
If only they knew who I really was. Normally people won't know who is Aliana Rosa Shahid. My assassin name was simple and it could make anyone shiver. Rose. It was still my name but is still counted as different. They knew which gang/mafia Rose belonged to. They just didn't know it was Marco and Aisha's second daughter.
"Sure why not! That would be great and thanks for counting me in," I smiled at them gratefully. We were in the middle of the parking lot of the school. Many students were leaving already. I spotted from the corner of my eye Kyle leaving in his jeep.
"This is gonna be sooo amazing!! We can go over to your house, do makeovers and shit and-" Sierra was cut off by none other than Newton grabbing her arm and dragging her towards his jeep. "Era I think she gets the picture." Sierra simply rolled her eyes but blushed when Newton grabbed her arm. They both waved a 'bye' at me.
So did Miranda, Anthony, Ashbel and Anastasia. They went into jeeps as well. Jeeps huh?
I then made my way to my bike and realised that Nikolas was trailing behind me.
"A bike huh? Didn't peg you for biker chick princess. Nice bike by the way." He said while winking at me.
I could feel my cheeks heat up when he called me princess. You better stop right there Ali.
"Well there are a lot of things that you do not know about me Nikolas," I gave him a small smirk while wearing my gear. And it's better if you dont, because you might get killed.
"Trust me princess, I will know sooner or later." And with that he made his way to his lambo and sped off. I shook my head at his statement. If he knew who I really was, he would probably run for the hills. Nobody wants a life with an assassin. You could get killed easily in my world if you are weak. I then sped off and left the school compounds and made my way home.
"That was all he did today Baba, I also met different people from the different gangs as well." Baba was sitting behind his desk and took in all my information.
"So far so good then." My mum smiled. I even told them about the friends that I made. They both seemed happy for me.
"Bambina I am so happy for you. Right now I think we need you for helping with a shipment. Go ahead and do what you do best!" Baba said. I nodded my head and left the office before kissing them both goodnight.
Now, it's time for action.

The White Rose
Подростковая литератураShe was an assassin. Just at 17 years old, Aliana Rosa Shahid was her gang/mafia's best assassin. Home schooled for her entire life, she is suddenly thrown into a mission to spy on one of her rival gangs son, Kyle Maxwell. To do that, she had to att...