For this chapter listen to: Jawsh 685 | Laxed
•Nikolas POV•
"Now fucking tell me, who the fuck sent you?" I asked the guy in front of me, holding a gun against his temple.
I woke up late for school today, while the others were there already. Glad I did because some idiot had a death wish of trespassing the gang's house.
I didn't want blood all over my outfit today for school because I am actually lazy to go back and change. It will only result in me lying down back again in bed. After noticing the guy trespassing, I sent a quick text to the gang, informing of the situation and that I'll be late.
But no, the leader has to do this. The annoying voice in my head reminds me. The poor boy infront of me was shivering and his eyes were glassy. Is he gonna fucking cry?
"B-black.. ss-sky," He stuttered out. Of course. Leave it to fucking Black Sky to send a pussy to my area. Sad that they will be losing one member today. I gave him an eye roll. I was momentarily distracted and this fucker thought that it would be cute to take out a fucking knife and stab me.
Try again.
Luckily for me, not for him, my reflexes were fast and I grabbed the knife and twisted his arm. I then snatched the knife and slit his throat with it. Pathetic little kid. And that ladies and gentlemen, was Black Sky's lame attempt to infiltrate my gang.
Speaking of Black Sky, Kyle fucking Maxwell is getting real popular. It's as if this year his dad, Colton Maxwell, grade A dickhead decided to plan something. Something we do not know yet, but it's going to be gruesome.
I have always been keeping my eyes on Kyle ever since freshman until today with the rest of my gang. So far, Kyle has never acted up badly in school. But this year, we had intel that Colton Maxwell is planning something big to all the gangs/mafias in the country and area. Something very bad.
My gang or my parents gang, The Red Dragons are ruling up and we are the second best gang in the area and country. The first was of course, The White Zahra. Lead by Marco Shahid and Aisha Khan. My parents good friends who apparently drifted apart and need a great bonding time.
Last thing I need is a fucking merge of gangs. Not my scene. I looked back down at the poor kid and called my butlers down to dispose his body.
I realised that I was 30 minutes late to first period. Well shit. I ran to the garage and took my lambo. No time for a fucking bike today.
I reached school and managed to slip by the office. Mrs Johnson shook her head at me and let me through. She treats me like her grandson because her husband is one of the bodyguards and fighters in my gang for a very long time. She basically watched me grow from a sweet little boy to a ruthless assassin.
It was now 8:45 am and class ends in 15 more minutes. Okay I am not going to waste 15 minutes in AP Calc so I decided to just make my way to the back of the school and have a quick smoke.
The bell finally rang, and I made my way back to the hallways to find my gang. I texted Newton, to meet me at his locker. This year, our senior year, we had to be extra careful. Many other gangs has sent their members here to spy on Kyle Maxwell. Go for the kid they said. I know some of them but we make it a point not to make a big fuss over it.
Like I said, no mergers because I fucking hate it.
By the time I made my way to his locker, I recognised my gang members walking down the hallway, acting like normal students. However, I did not realise the new addition that was in between Levi and Sierra. But now, now I noticed her. She stood out amongst the rest and my god was she beautiful alright.
I felt my surroundings go blur as I just stared at her. We made eye contact and that was when the breath was knocked out of me.
Yeap, that's it she is fucking beautiful.
Her long, thick black curly hair surrounded her beautiful and may I add, extremely curvy body. Her skin was so pale and it looked like porcelain. Her eyelashes were long and thick. Her eyebrows were shaped and arched naturally. Her eyes were this beautiful shade of green. It was a mixture of dark and light green that were sparkling. She had a beautiful sharp nose and defined cheekbones. Her lips, oh her lips. They were naturally pink and plump and they looked so soft. She looked at me with so much innocence and for a moment I got lost in those eyes. Fucking beautiful.
Aliana huh? So that's her name. Beautiful. A light blush covered her pale cheeks and she bowed down. She then looked up back at me and gave me a small smile. Whatever the heck was that smile, it was fucking seductive alright.
"AGAIN, EARTH TO FU-" I cut him off by covering my hands over his mouth, "Can you please stop screaming into my fucking ears Lev? Its fucking annoying." I said with a flat look. The rest of the gang just laughed at Lev.
Aliana smiled at this. I wonder where she was from. She looked so exotic and different. I felt my stomach stirring differently at the sight of her. I have never felt this way before with a girl. I have never had a girlfriend before but I did have some flings here and there. I stopped my player ways years ago when I realised that it will not bring me anywhere in life.
Also, being a gang leader is some tiring ass shit. I wouldn't want my girlfriend or someone I love to be involved in it and risk putting their lives in danger. Aliana looks so innocent and I do not want our future to be jeopardise just because-
Wait wait our future? Okay Nikolas, get a fucking grip.
I was then pulled out from my thoughts when I heard a high pitched squeal coming from behind me. Ugh, Kaitlyn. Does this bitch not get the fucking picture or point? I do not want to fuck her or have anything to do with her.
"Nik babyyy, finally you are here. I got pretty lonely waiting for you. Where were you baby?" She asked with her high pitched voice. Miranda was suppressing a laughter while Newton and Sierra were snickering. I looked over to Aliana to see that she was staring intently at Kaitlyn.
If looks could seriously kill, Kaitlyn would have been 6ft underground. Aliana looked like she was ready to beat the shit out of her.
But Aliana looks extremely innocent and to kind to do that. Then again, never judge a book by its cover. I was on edge when Kaitlyn started caressing my arm.
"Would you stop that and get the fuck away from me? I am not your baby and never ever will be so fuck off Kaitlyn," I seethed out. Aliana's eyes widened at my statement. Kaitlyn huffed and began strutting off, not before throwing Aliana a glare, which she simply returned by raising her eyebrow.
"Hello there, I am Aliana Rosa. Nice to meet you Nikolas." I heard her say. Goddamn her voice was like velvet and sex to my ears.
Yes, sex to my ears.
"Nikolas Ace, princess." I gave her my signature smirk and stuck my hand out to shake her. She shook mine back and I felt a jolt of electricity surge through me. Her skin was so soft to touch. She smiled warmly at this exchange.
Has this girl not have any human interaction before? She seems to be smiling at literally every small thing from I have been noticing. Her eyes hold so much mystery in them and I want to solve it all.
"Alright bitches, let's head to the caf and grab some shit to eat. Im starving," Me too. With that, all of us made our way to the cafeteria. Ready to look out for any suspicious activities that Kyle fucking Maxwell might plan and stuff our bellies.

The White Rose
Novela JuvenilShe was an assassin. Just at 17 years old, Aliana Rosa Shahid was her gang/mafia's best assassin. Home schooled for her entire life, she is suddenly thrown into a mission to spy on one of her rival gangs son, Kyle Maxwell. To do that, she had to att...