For this chapter listen to: Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande
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•Aliana's POV•
I watched carefully as he sipped his whiskey. I made sure to calculate every single one of his moves perfectly before executing him. He then leaned back on his expensive leather chair. White leather chair.
Sheets of papers were sprawled across his table. His scrutinizing gaze on them. He was dumb enough to leave his window open. Makes my job and life easier. He then bowed his head a bit, to get a closer look at the paper he was reading. I took that as the perfect opportunity to shoot him.
I then angled my rifle again, setting my right eye into the glass to see him clearer. Just as he was about to lift his head up, I pulled the trigger and shot through his head. I watched as the blood splurged and stain his expensive white leather chair to his body slumping down entirely. I smiled, satisfied.
"Sweet dreams Jaxon." I whispered before packing my things up and exiting the building's rooftop. Now, you must be wondering, what did Jaxon do to deserve a cruel death like that? Well, he betrayed my parents.
Long story short, he planned to kill my parents while having a business meeting with them. Luckily, I slipped a hearing device into his office bags and was able to listen to everything. Hence, the execution.
Oh where are my manners? The name is Aliana Rosa Shahid and I am 17 years old turning 18 soon. Yes, different names from different ethnicities and cultures. I am mix of Italian, Lebanese and Pakistani-Indian. Very complex I know. I had green eyes and a pale complexion. My hair is a thick, black curly mess that falls down to my waist. I have a very curvy body but a 5'5 frame, thank you Lebanese genes as well as my mother.
And you most certainly definitely be wondering, why the fuck is a 17 year old an assassin? Well that's because I was born into a gang. More specifically my parents gang, The White Zahra. My parents, Marco Shahid and Aisha Khan, have been married for 22 years as well as running the gang. The gang was passed down to them by my grandfather, Shahid Rocco Moretti.
After exiting the building, I made my way to my car and started driving off. It was currently 12:03 am and I was really famished. I decided to go to a Mcdonalds drive-thru and order myself some food. Once I was done with my orders and picking them up, I drove back to the mansion and parked my car in the garage. Not before going through security of course.
Leroy and Michael were shaking their head at me when I gave them a sheepish smile through my car. They had seen me grow up and were loyal members of the gang.
Everyone should be asleep by now. Hopefully. I made my way to my huge living room, careful not to wake up Mummy and Baba. As I was about to make my way to one of the spiral staircases, someone tugged my hair. I reacted quickly.
I dropped my bag of food and reached for the wrist of the person, twisting it hard and pulled them over my shoulder. The person whined when their ass landed on the floor and thud was heard.
"Ow you kamini, couldn't you be more violent or something?" I recognised that whine. It was my elder sister, Afarinah. Afarinah Giulia Shahid. The biggest whiner ever.
Afarinah was way different than me. In terms of looks and personality. She is 21 years old turning 22 soon. She was 5'8 and curvy as well. Way more curvier than me. She had chocolate skin and deep brown eyes. Her hair was chestnut brown but was wavy and fell just above her shoulders. We were both very different and people could not believe that we were biological sisters. She inherited most of the Pakistani-Indian looks while I inherited the Italian and Lebanese looks.
"Well bewakoof," I switched on the lights while shaking my head at her, "If you didn't sneak up on me like that, your ass would not have been on the floor. What are you even doing up this late huh?"
"I could say the same for you. Where were you?" She asked with one perfectly arched eyebrow raised up. Her scary older sister stance coming out. She was scary when she was serious and you do not want to mess with her.
But me? Huh, I was not scared. Fuck that, I would have peed in my pants if I didn't have a good excuse to give her.
"Uhmm, handling stuff?" I sheepishly smiled and showed my rifle bag that was hanging on my back. Afarinah sighed and shook her head. She was never the one for violence in the gang. But she was good in both the legal and illegal business.
Afarinah majored in business, therefore helping my parents with the legal part of the gang, as for the illegal, she helps with the communication amongst gang members as well as the technology sector.
I was known to be the violent yet shy one. I was trained ever since I was 8. From learning how to shoot and fight to the act of seduction. I was qualified as one of the best assassins the gang has ever had. Afarinah was trained in this too but decided it was not for her. She only continued learning how to use a gun for self defence, not for participating in fights.
"Well okay then. Go get some rest then Ali. I love you and good night." She said before hugging me and tugging my hair one last time before heading to the elevator situated at the corner of the living room.
I made my way up and changed out of my attire. I took a quick warm shower and sat on my large queen bed while devouring my burger and watching my favourite movie, After. Hero Fiennes Tiffin and Josephine Langford together are my ultimate couple. #Herophine for life.
After eating, I cleaned up and got ready for bed. I sunk into my pillows, staring into the ceiling that was covered in mirrors, so I was staring at my reflection. I have never felt so lonely in my life. I had no friends as I had been home schooled ever since i was 6. Afarinah had the opportunity to go to a public school and made friends.
I didn't. My friends were the gang members who are way older than me, the ones that I trained with day and night.
I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't care about not having friends. Having friends means trust, and we all know in a gang how important trust is.
What about a boyfriend? Someone to love, hug and ki-
What the fuckery fuck was I thinking. A Boyfriend? Heck no. I have not even lost my first kiss or my virginity. But, of course as a seductress, I had plenty of experience with men.
Big, burly old men with a pot belly. Yeah that kind of men that I have to sneak my way into.
With a life like this, I doubt someone could ever love me.
With that, I drifted off to sleep.

The White Rose
Ficção AdolescenteShe was an assassin. Just at 17 years old, Aliana Rosa Shahid was her gang/mafia's best assassin. Home schooled for her entire life, she is suddenly thrown into a mission to spy on one of her rival gangs son, Kyle Maxwell. To do that, she had to att...