Chapter 30

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Nora's pov

As the time grows nearer to midnight I become more anxious, I was worried, not about the fight because I was certain we would win, we have the upper hand here but I'm scared

I'm scared of making the wrong choice, the fate of the werewolf population rests on my shoulders

Ugghhh I can't take all this pressure, how the hell does the moon goddess do it

I sigh and rub my temples as I begin to feel a dull aching

I take a seat on one of the many empty chairs, the hall was cleared out about an hour ago and only the gang with the quite a large amount of pack warriors are here

"Nora you need to calm down, don't over think it" Rowan says as he comes to sit next to me

"Yh easy for you to say when the entire werewolf race isn't depending on you" I mumble groaning a little when the ache in my head gets worse

"Are you okay" Rowan asks rubbing a hand soothingly on my back

I try to get rid of this headache when I feel something, someone, I suddenly began to feel uncomfortable

"I'm going to get some air" I tell Rowan and I get up and began walking outside knowing that he'd follow

Ever since we fully mated he's become even more protective, he never leaves my side and I can't say I'm complaining

I sigh in content as the cool breeze hits my skin and I place my hands on the balcony railing

Rowan wraps his arms around my waist from behind and I lean into him, I rest my head on his shoulder and I place my hands on his arms

He nuzzled his nose into my neck and he breathes in my scent, he places a small kiss on my shoulder

"Rowan, I'm scared" I tell him in a low voice

"I know ma deesse, I know" he says with a small sigh

"It will be alright, my love nothing will go wrong, it'll be fine" he tries to soothe and I just close my eyes as I relish in the moment

I try to hold back my tears and I let out a shaky breath

"I love you Rowan, and if something happens and I don't make it I just wa-" I begin but he cuts me off

"Stop that, you're going to make it okay" he says turning me around so I'm now facing him

"I love you ma deesse" he says caressing my face with his hand

"I love you to Rowan" I tell him as we stare into each others eyes, his green eyes seeming to draw me in with promises of not letting my go ever

Someone clearing their throat gets our attention we look to see Katelyn

"Sorry to ruin the moment but we need to move now" she says and I nod

Rowan takes him arms off my waist and he entwined my hand with his

"Are you ready" he asks looking down at me

I nod and say " let's go kill those fuckers"

He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as we head down

Rowan and I separate when Janet passes me a change of clothes which consists of black leggings and a grey shirt


We stood in the forest with the warrors behind us where they would arrive and I clench my hands as I feel the vibration of the ground

"They're coming" I say looking at Janet and she nods and shifts into her griffin, I look at her in awe cause I have never seen a griffin up close before

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