{3} Peach

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We arrived at the grocery store just in time. I grab a pushcart and start picking some bag of chips for my midnight snack.

"Just in: A student from Meadows Academy committed a murder inside the school's premises..."I heard from the news playing on somebody's phone, which caught my attention. It is my school, right? The girl who owns it was standing in the fruit section, choosing fresh fruits while watching the latest news. I, being a nosy student, came near to her to ultimately hear the news.

"...his reasons are stated in a piece of paper with some drops of blood before he was found dead. It is stated there 'The devil made me do it. The evil is now walking barefoot on the earth.' Is it really the devil? Are they real?" And the news was ended.

"Devils nor demons don't kill humans; people do," Rose said out of nowhere which made me wrinkled my forehead in confusion.

I started picking peaches for this angel. "How many peaches do I need to buy?" I asked Rose and acted as if I was talking to myself.

"As long as your money is enough." She answered back while eating some of the peaches placed on top of the counter.

I chose 10 fresh peaches and led the way to the cashier to buy all this stuff.

I arrived home late evening, not my usual time home, but I got home safe.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home," I shouted from the entrance. I placed my shoes on the shoe rack and immediately went upstairs with my groceries. I put my snacks in my drawer at the top of my study table. I took off the peaches and threw them to Rose one by one while catching those with her mouth.

I can hear the chewing mouth of this angel! "Can't you munch a little quieter?" I hissed and stopped giving her fruits.

"I can't. I never taste this sorcery before." She munches a peach again. "Ish sho jushi like flesh (It's so juicy like flesh)." She added.

"Eating manners, imp." I rolled my eyes. I turned on the TV, but I was statued when I remembered the news earlier.

I pick one petal—

"Killing so sudden?" Rose mumbled while munching her peaches she grabs in just a blink. "Is it boring? Not that I'm telling you to stop, but just asking."

"That boy a while ago from the news..." I started the conversation. "... I saw him in the garden when I'm gazing at it. He was holding a broken glass; I was worried he might cut himself." I thought of his face and let the rose ride on the wind.

"I saw that too earlier."

I looked at her with a confused look. "Didn't you know his motive?"

She shook her head. "I knew." She replied.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her with my mad look.

"Do I need to tell you that?" She stopped chewing her food.

"I am upset you disturb me from eating, but I'll tell you this. I may always be at your side, but I chose my words and phrases carefully. There's this thing you need to know, and it doesn't matter. I don't need to tell you everything, even if I already know what should you or we do. We have a different mentality; I have intelligence above humans. You are a valedictorian who surpasses other's mental abilities but not as good as ours. You're almost on my intellectual level when I'm lazy but beats me. I can use my intellect more beyond my mentality right now. When I use my full force brain, you're not going to like it. It may lead you to your craziness; you'll go insane. Also, add that I can read people's minds."

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