Rocky past

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Emma when she was 9___________________

Mom and dad keep fighting and it goes worst everyday. 

"I hate it when they fight" I said to my older sister Claire. 

"I know, they used to be so happy, I don't know what happened" Claire said.

Then dad came in and hit up both "You girls didn't do what you were told. Get cleaning!" he yelled and we got up and we cleaned the house. 

After we finished we went to our room that we shared. I cried while she hugged me "It's going to be ok, I will get us out of here" she said.

"Promise?" I asked sobbing.

I promise" she said.

Emma's past when she was 13________________

Claire and I were sitting in my room when we heard our parents fight. I got off my bed when she stopped me "Don't go out their, it gets really bad" she worned me. 

"I'm just getting some food and water, I won't be long" I said to her and she nods. 

I walk to the kitchen and mom and dad were fighting in the living room. 

I turn around to my parents after grabbing water when I see mom holding a gun to dads head. I gasp when I heard the gun go off and dad was on the ground in his blood. 

I watched mom kill dad. 

Claire ran to me "What happened? Are you ok?" she asked. 

I froze. I couldn't move and I couldn't bring myself up to say a word. 

Mom turned to me "You saw?" she asked and her eyes widen when I nod my head. 

"You shot dad!" Claire yelled at mom. 

"No, it was self defence" mom said "We need to get rid of the body" mom also said.

"Your on your own. We are not doing that!" Clarie yelled walking out of the house. 

"Your going to help" Mom dragged me and we got dad's body into the car and we dumped it into the lake. 

"Now your not going to say a word to anyone, you hear me?" Mom asked sternly. 

I didn't say anything due to shock of what I did. Them mom hit me "Do you understand me?!" mom yelled in my face. 

I cried "Yes" I nod. 

"Good" mom dragged me back to the car and we drove home. 

Emma's past when she was 15___________________

Ever sense that night I was having really bad dreams so Karen and Claire took me to see a shrink. She gave me meds to help me sleep and she gave me other ones to think what hapened to dad never happened. 

Claire just completly forgot what happened to dad and she made up a story for mom. Ever sense she made up that stupid story we were never the same. 

Emma's past when she was 17___________________

I woke up and I realise I was in the hospital and Karen was sitting right beside me on the bed. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked worried. 

"My ribs hurt but nothing too bad" I said.

Then the door opened revealing Claire. 

"What were you thinking!" she yelled walking up to me. 

"Hey, Clai-" Karen said but she got cut off by Claire pointing at her for a second then tuning her attention to me. 

"Do you know that I had to rush over here!" Claire said.

"Then why come at all?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Ok, let's all take a deep-" Karen tried to calm the situation down but again Claire stopped her. 

"I work hard in what I do, You can't keep doing this" Claire said.

"It wasn't my plan to get hit by a car" I said sarcastic towards her.

"You went to a party got drunk and started to walk home on the road and got hit by a car!" She yelled again "..Are you still taking your meds?" Claire asked in a much calmer tone. 

I stayed quiet not saying anything. 

"What?" Both of my sisters said a bit angry at me. 

"Em, you are not suppose to stop taking them until your shrink said so" Karen said.

"I am better, so I don't need to be taking them" I said and Claire shock her head. 

"You clearly need to still be taking them" she said and that made me roll my eyes again. 

"Look, mom is clearly not taking care of you, come stay with me" Karen said giving me a weak smile. 

"Seriously?" Claire said to her a bit more mad. 

"Yeah, our sister needs help and mom is not capable of doing that for her" Karen said to Claire. 

"She is suppose to take care of herself. You can't take of Zack, Grey and her at the same time" Clare said "Taking care of Emma is like taking care of another child" she muttered that part. 

I heard what she muttered and I had it "Then why are you here, It's not like you care about me so leave, it's that what your best at?" I said hurt of what she said but I didn't show it. 

"Your right, no point on staying here, Don't try to contact me again" Claire said to both of us and she walked out of the hosptial room angry. 

"She didn't mean it, give her time" Karen said.

"Stop defending her, she knows what she is taking about and so do I" I said and Karen slowly nods understanding. 

After I got out of the hospital Karen made me over in with her and she has been watching me take my meds morning and night. I am grateful that she took me in so  I help her out with Zach who is 12 years old and Grey who is 6 years old. 

Claire hasn't been back her or talked to any of us sense I was in the hosptial and I really don't care. 

Author note_____________________

Now that you have seen her past let's get on with the story. 

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