No where to run

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Claire's pov_______________

I walk to the lab to see him still their aguring with the secerity gaurd to let him in "Owen" I called his name and he turns to me "I need your help" I said worried. 

"Ok, With what?" he asked. 

"My sister and nephew are out in the valley, Please if anything happens to them-" I said and he pulls me to the side. 

"How old?" he asked. 

"The older boy he is high school age and the younger one is a couple years-" I began to say but got up off by him saying "You don't know how old your newphews are?" I stare at him. 

"Emma, she is 22" I said knowing her age becuase I am three years older. 

"I know that" he said and I look at him confused. 

"How do you know that?" I raised one of my eyebrow.

"We went on a date last night" he smiles. 

I stay silent for a minute then I come up with something to say "Your too old for her" he laughs. Then we get into the company's jeep and start driving to the valley while I was trying to call Zack. 

Emma's pov_________

Zach was driving when he stopped to see some dinosours eating. 

"See look, 4 dinosours eating" Zach pointed out. 

"5" Grey said. 

"Aren't you suppose to be a genius" Zach said and I lightly slap his arm "Ow" he said.

"Don't say stuff like that" I said upset with him. 

"Look Grey there is 4" I said pointing them out. 

"5" he said pointing to something moving and we turn around to see a big ass Dinosour. 

"Go go go!" Grey and I yelled at Zach. 

Zach stats go drive but we get knocked over and the hamswer bowl gets out of control. 

Zack's phone started to ring. Zach and I try to reach for it we almost got it. 

"Guys" Grey said scared. 

"It's ok, were safe in here" I said paying no attention and trying to get the phone. 

"We almost got it" Zach said. 

"Guys look!" Grey said and we look to see the dinosaur staring at us. 

"Oh god" I muttered to myself. 

Then he starts to use his teeth and he starts breaking the glass bowl around us. 

"AHHHHHHH!" Grey starts to scream and Zach and I panic. I quickly unbuckle the boys and they fall to the ground covering their heads. 

"Run!" I yelled when the dinosaur brings up the glass giving them time to run.  

I unbuckle my seat and the bowl drops to the ground making more glass break. I run when the teeth go back onto the glass. 

I run behind the boys and the Dinosaur chases after us. 

"Don't look back!" I yelled to the boys. 

We come to a waterfall and we stop "We got to jump" Zach said.

"No, I can't" Grey said scared. 

"It's ok, I got you" I said holding his left hand while Zach held his right and we didn't even count. That thing was getting to close so we jumped. 

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