Metting Owen Grady

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Owen's pov__________________

I was training my raptors.

"Alright, look up" I said and all four of them look up at me. 

"That's good, that's really good" I said giving them all food. 

After I finsihed "And were walking" I said starting to move around and they followed me. 

"Alright and go" I said and they ran around and I hear clapping. 

"That is incriedible how do you get them to do that?" hoskins asked walking up to me.

"I don't control them, I bond with them, gain their trust" I said annoyed of this guy. 

"We know they take orders, we can use that to our advantage" he said.

"No thanks, they are my animals and I say no" I said walking off but then I heard "PIG IS OUT!" The new guy said trying to grab the pig before my raptors do but they ended up pulling him into the cagie. 

I run in and Barry my best friend closed the gate half way. I go the new guy out of their and I held my hand up and the raptors stood their trying to get out. 

"Hey, stop" I commanded.

Then I saw Delta trying to sneak past me "Hey, Delta stand down" I said and she stopped. 

Then Charlie started to growl "Hey Charlie, don't give me that shit" I said still holding my hand up telling em them to stop. 

Once they all calmed down I said "Close the gate" I told Barry.

"Are you crazy?" he yelled at me. 

"Close the gate" the new guy said and Berry hesitant at first but then he closed it. 

I then ran under the gate before it closed. Barry helped me up.

"You ok?" he asked. 

"Yeah" I said and Barry walked off. 

I turn to the new guy who was on the floor "Your the new guy right?" I asked.

He nods "Ever wonder why they were hiring?" I asked and he looks scared I wanted to laugh. I started to walk off to my break. 

I kept walking and walking and I walked pass the some people when I bumped into this one lady who dropped her bag. 

Emma's pov_____________________

This guy walked right into me making me drop my bag "Watch where your going" I said angry. 

"Sorry to make you angry princess" he said.

"Princess really?" I asked.

"What can I say" he shrugged his shoulders while smirking.

"Name?" I asked. 

"Owen, Owen Grady" he said "And you?" he asked. 

"Emma Derling" I said and we shaked hands. 

"Derling? As in Claire Derling?" he asked. 

"Yeah she is my sister" I said with no emtion again. 

"Oh wow" he said winking at me.

"Wow what?" I asked smirking. 

"Wow that you are related to her" he said and I giggle.

"Yeah same" I said.

"Aunt Emma can we go now?" Grey asked.

"Dude don't" Zach muttered to Grey but I heard him.

"It's ok. Yeah let's go" I said to the kids and then looked at Owen "Nice meeting you" I smiled.

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