The surpirse

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Emma's pov______________________

I am 22 years old and I stopped seeing the shrink when I was 19 years old beccause I no longer had nightmares. Zach is now 17 years old and Grey is 11 years old. 

They grow up so fast. 

I walked though the doors to Karen's house. 

"Hey I got some news" Karen said all happy. 

"What news?" I asked cerious. 

"The boys are going to see Clarie for a few days and I want you to take them" she said.

"No" I instanlty said.

"Oh come on please" she begged. 

"No. First of all I do not want to see her and second of all I am not going to babysit them" I said making it clear. 

"You don't have to, all you need to do is take them to Claire and then you can go do whatever you want, Please, for me" Karen begged again. 

"I'm not so thrilled about it either" Zach said on his phone coming downstairs and flopping onto the couch. 

"See he doesn't want to go" I said pointing it out. 

"Zach you haven't seen aunt Claire in like 4 years" Karen said signing.

"Who's fault is that, hers" I muttered to myself. 

Then i heard a thud quickly coming downstairs"I can't wait to go" Grey run downstairs all excited. 

"You all leave tomrrow so get packing" Karen said and I groan walking to me room. 

I grabbed a bunch of my clothes and put them in suitecase. There done. 

The next day we get to the airport. 

"I can't believe you get to go, I'm so jealous" Karen said to Grey and she smiles. 

"Then why don't you take them" I said trying to get out of it. 

Then Karen hugs me for a second then she pulled away "Go easy on Claire please" she asked. 

"I agreed to come, I didn't agree to talk to her" I said.

"Make sure to call me when you get their" Karen said in her strike mom voice. 

"Yes mom" I said and we both giggle. 

Karen then turn her attension to Zach "Zach, behave and have fun ok?, make sure to call me when you get their" she said and he nods. We walked over to the line and Grey waved to his parents. 

Karen's pov____________

"Did you call your sister?" my husband asked. 

"Striaght to voice mail" I said.

"Don't worry, they will be fine, Clarie deals with like 2 thousand people a day, what's 3 more going to do?" he asked. 

"I'm not worried about that, well kind of am but not mostly that" I said.

"Look if it's about the divorse-" he said but I cut him off by turning to him. 

"Just get your stuff out of my house, ok?" I said walking to the car and I drove both of us home where he was getting his stuff and leaving. 

Emma's pov________________

We got onto the plane and it was a long ride. 

"What now?" Grey asked excited. 

"We have to go on a boat ride" I said. 

We got onto the big boat with lots of people. 

I caught Zach staring at some girls. What a teenage. 

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