Fight to the end

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Emma's pov_____________

"That thing is part Raptor" Claire spoke shocked. 

We all started watching but then Claire saw the boys through the slot "Um no, your not watching this" she said and she closed it. 

I gave a small laugh. 

Claire and I watch as the raptors communicated with the big one and then they turned sides. 

The small Raptor's started attacking everyone. 

"Oh god" Claire said as people started to die. 

"Are people dying?" We heard Grey say and we turn to see Zach and him opened the slot up "Um no, eveyone is fine" Claire said.

"Don't lie to him" Zach spoke angry at Claire. 

"He's scared. It's ok to lie when people are scared" Claire said to Zach. 

"I want to go home" Grey said scared. 

"Grey, it's ok, Tomorrow we are all going home" I said giving him a small smile. 

"And your mother will never let me see you again" Claire spoke but then we both scream when we see a bloody hand on the window and the boys closed the slot probably scared.

 "GO, their coming!" a guy said and Claire put her leg on the gas. 

"Hang on back their" Claire said.

A few minutes later two raptors broke into the windows on my side and Claire's "AHHHH!" We both screamed and the raptors fell out. They started chasing up. 

I head Zach and Grey saying stuff. 

"You guys ok?" I asked peeking through the slot to see them happy. 

"Did you see that?" Zach asked. 

"I can't wait to tell mom" Grey said happy. 

"Oh god no, don't tell your mom about that, ever" Claire said and I nod at what she was saying. 

"Owen, hey!" I heard the boys yell and Owen appeared beside Claire on his motorcycle. 

Claire got out of here "Lowery. I'm coming to the lab" she said putting the phone on speaker. She was shaking and not holding the phone properly so I took it from her. 

"This guys Hoskins is in charge, he dismissed everyone, I am the only one here. Call me if you need me to do anything" he said.

"Thanks Lowery, A helicopter will be here soon for the rest of us, everyone on the Island should already been evacuated" Claire spoke.

"Yeah, everyone is gone" he said.

"Call you later" Claire said and I hung up the phone.  

We arrived at the lab to se people clearing everything out. 

"What are you doing?" Claire asked confused. 

"I'm afraid that is above your pay grade, honey" Hoskins said appearing. 

"That's not a real dinosaur" Grey said and I look to see him looking at a screen. 

"No it ain't kid" he said.

"You need to punch him again Owen" Is said annoyed. 

"I'm thinking about it" Owen said angry. 

Then one of the raptors appeared in front of Hoskins. 

"Hey, I'm on your side" he said with his hand up. 

Then the raptor bite his arm. 

Claire and the boys ran and Owen grabbed me too "So much for being on this side" I muttered. 

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