Going home

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Emma's pov________________

After I got checked out by the doctor he said to take it easy with my shoulder and neck. We were surrounded by injured people and who are still alive. 

"So what now?" I asked as Owen walked up to me. 

Then we kissed. 

"That" Owen said when we pulled out of the kiss. 

"Guy your parents" Claire said waking up Zach and Grey. 

Karen and Scott quickly hugged the boys. 

"Omg are you ok?" Karen hugged Zach tight. 

"Yeah" the boys said.

Karen pulled from Zach's hugged and hugged Claire "Are you ok?" she asked and Claire was crying but she nods. 

"Where's Emma?" Karen asked worried. I leave Owen's side. 

"Don't worry, you can't get rid of me that easy" I said walked up to my sisters. 

Karen gasp and more tears ran down her face and she hugged me. 

I tired to hide the pain but she stopped hugging me "What's wrong?" she asked worried. 

"I have a few buries and I have to be careful with my shoulder and neck becuase I got biten" I said and her eyes widen. 

"I'm fine, Claire took care of us" I said. 

She calms down and then she hugged Grey. 

Claire and I watch them hug. 

"I will be back" I told Claire and she nods. 

I walk up to Owen who was helping people who were injured. 

"What are you going to do now?" I asked. 

"Well, I am going to find a new place to live" he said smiling at me. 

"How about you come live in my town" I offered. 

"Not sure how your sister will feel if I live with you at her house" he said.

"No, we move intogether" I said and a smile goes on his face 'I like that idea" he said.

Owen, Claire, Zach, Scott, Karen, Grey, and I got onto the boat along with other people that took us home. 

When we finally got home I went to my room and started packing small stuff.

"What are you doing?" Karen asked walking into my room. 

"Owen and I are moving intogether, we are going to start looking for a house" I said.

"How am I suppose to take care of you?" Karen asked. 

"Karen, You have taken care of me for many years now, it's time for me to take care of myself, you have the boys" I said and she slowly nods. 

After a few weeks we found a 1 bedroom place and we already moved in. 

"I love you" I said to Owen. 

"I love you" he said and we kissed. 

                                                                 (Pretned it's Owen instead) 

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                                                                 (Pretned it's Owen instead) 

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