Hurricane Claire

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Emma's pov___________________

I woke up and the boys were still sleeping. I took a hot shower then got dressed and when I came out of the shower Zach was up and smirking "So how was the date?" he asked half smirking and half smiling. 

"It was good" I said smiling. 

"Come on details" he asked getting inpatient.

"No can do, sorry" I smirked at him and his smile dropped then Grey woke up. 

"Wake up sleepy head, get dressed ok then we can go get breakfast" I said getting money from my bag. 

"Aren't we using aunt Claire's money?" Grey asked.

"Oh hell yeah we are using her money" I said and bother Zach and Grey laugh. 

The boys got dressed and when we were about to leave Zara walks in "Morning everyone" she smiles. 

I think I should place nice "Morning, we were just going to get breakfast, want to come?" I asked hoping she would say no. 

"I have to take a few phone calls but we can meet at the petting zoo at 9:30" she said and I nod and she walked out. 

"She is like Claire 2.0" I muttered and Zack laughed. 

"What?" Gery asked confused. 

"Nothing, let's get going" I said and we went downtairs and got food. 

Claire's pov_____________

I drive again to Owen's place. I park my car when we get their "Owen let's go" I said and he got into my car and we drove off. 

We reach the Indominus rex Paddock. We walk inside. 

"Ok here we are" I said. 

"What is this?" Owen asked. 

"Indominus rex home" I said in a 'duh' voice. 

"You kee it in captivtiy?" he asked. 

"Yeah so?" I asked confused. 

"How hight is the wall?" he asked.

"40 feet" I said still confused. 

I then pressed a button and food came down "You feed that thing with a craine?" he asked. 

Ok he is getting on my last nerves "Is their a problem?" I asked crossing my arms. 

"An animals raised in captvity and the only interation this thing is getting is with that craine, at least she knows it means food" he said.

"So we should shedule a playdate something like that?" I asked scarscatically. 

"What's it made of?" he asked. 

After I told him what we know "Is that all?" he asked. 

"No, the rest is clasified" I said.

"You made a new dinourse and you don't know what it is?" I asked shocked. 

I ingornd him by taping on the window "Where is it?" I muttered. 

Then I heard sirens go off and the serciert gaurd is confused. 

"This doesn't make any sense, these doors haven't been opened in weeks, and no sign of the animal" he tells me and now I am worried. 

"Where these claw marks always there?" Own asked and I go to the other side of the room to see claw marks on the wall. 

"You think it-" I couldn't finish my sentence "Oh god" I muttered to myself. 

I started walking towards the door "She has a tracker in her I can track it from the control room" I said running to my car. 

I got into my car and started driving and I called Lowery "Lowery get my ordence on the Indominus rex" I said in a worried tone. 

"Yep" then he paused "What the, it's in the cage" he said now I am confused. 

"What, now that is impossible, I was just their" I said really confused. 

"Claire, I am telling you she is in the caige" he said then paused again "Wait their are people in the caige" he said and my eyes widen. 

"Get them out of their now.. NOW!" I yelled. 

"Padlock control 11 this is the control roon you need to evaquate now do you copy?" I heard Vivain say over the phone call with Lowery. 

"It's in the caige, it's in their with you!" Vivian yelled.

Then everything went silent but I can hear people screaming. 

"Someone talk to me what is happening" I yelled ouver the phone but no one replied. 

I hung up the phone and drove faster. 

Emma's pov_________________

When Zara wasn't looking we took off without her. She is useless anyways. 

We watched one dinaouse eating a shark and now we are going into the hamster bowl for a small ride. 

"Hi we want the three seater please"I said and a cart came. 

"Zach, you want to drive this thing?" I asked and his face lit up. 

"Yeah" he said happy. 

Grey got in and I sat in the middle and then Zach got in and he started to drive. 

"Now don't crash us into anything" I said warning him. 

"I won't" he laughs. 

Zach drove around for awhile and it was fun to see different types of dinsours. 

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