An Unsettling First Day

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Yoongi was ... confused. And a little bit concerned. He'd barely been there a day and he could already tell there was something going on between the other two caregivers in the house. It wasn't that obvious at first, it seemed like they could communicate enough to take care of the littles, or at least Jimin, but that was it.

It became very obvious very quickly that Jin did all the care for Jungkook. The other caregiver didn't seemed concerned with the little at all and apparently it was normal enough that the baby didn't even go to his secondary caregiver for any of his needs. He just went to Jin. And if Jin wasn't there, he'd just sit there sadly and wait for him to come back. It was quite... sad.

And Jin for that matter looked exhausted. He was caring full time for Jungkook and then was also caring for Jimin. Jimin seemed to have a normal relationship with both caregivers. Or normal enough. The boy was very spoiled by Hobi. The man let him get away with everything. But then there was Seokjin holding him accountable and disciplining when necessary. Yoongi honestly felt a bit bad for the baby, constantly being pulled in two different directions. One caregiver told him he could behave one way while another was telling him he could not. He never knew his limits.

The boy definitely knew who would care if he was mean to Jungkook though. That morning Jimin had been huffy because he wanted to play with that the other baby had. Jin had gotten onto him multiple times that he needed to share but it didn't matter what Jungkook had. Jimin wanted it. He'd finally started behaving when he got threatened with the time out step but the behavior quickly made a reappearance when Jin left the room.

Namjoon had gotten upset over something, still fragile in his headspace. Being around two outgoing littles was overwhelming him a little so Seokjin took him to another room to calm down.

As soon as the door closed to the bedroom Jimin had flipped around and stolen Jungkook's toy. The poor baby had flipped around and looked for his Appa but when he realized he wasn't there to protect him he deflated. He hadn't fought back, he hadn't tried to go to Hoseok. He just crawled over the closed bedroom door and sat sadly, waiting for his Appa to come back for him.

Taehyung had been upset by this and didn't understand why Jimin was allowed to do that. It was something he would have gotten in trouble for. Did that mean Jimin was going to do that to him? He'd come to sit with Yoongi, wanting comfort and stability. What Yoongi couldn't believe is that Hobi saw all of it and did nothing, even went to play with Jimin when the baby started whining when Taehyung left his spot beside him. It was like he was rewarding him for being mean to Jungkook.

Yoongi didn't like it at all.


Seokjin sighed as he sat down on the couch, finally getting a break at eleven pm. He'd be relieved if he didn't have to be at work by eight the next morning. He'd finally got Kookie to bed. The boy was a nightmare to get to sleep. He never wanted to lay down, always wanted five more minutes and then he'd cry if he was left in the bedroom by himself. Jin had given up and finally laid down with the baby until he fell asleep.

The man was being pulled in a million different directions. He had Jungkook and Jimin and now Namjoon and Tae. Taehyung had attached himself to Jin quickly too, not as much as Namjoon as he still viewed Yoongi as his main caregiver but he'd quickly fallen in love with the eldest caregiver and like the other babies wanted all his attention. And on top of that he was the only one that had a normal, out of the house job. Hoseok worked from home and Yoongi was planning on freelancing. It was stressful for Jin who would love to be home but couldn't.

The situation with Jungkook was stressful for him too. He knew his baby couldn't be left here with Hoseok anymore but he didn't have many options. He couldn't afford day care for him. If he put him in child care during the day they wouldn't make enough to cover the bills. He felt like he was between two boulders and no matter how hard he pushed neither would budge.

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