His Woman

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Please vote before you read and comment after reading. If you think this chapter is hot, well you are wrong because next chapter is double this. Hot plus hot.

Disclaimer: What's hot to me is not what is hot to others hahaha

This chapter was supposed to end on a cliffhanger but I figured you guys would hate me for it, and anyways having them as separate chaps was ruining the flow.


Chapter 14

Commoner Li Lian
The Palace

Whatever your dreams are, whatever you wish for, you will encounter setbacks but when there is determination, all is possible. When there is mental strength, resolution and single-mindedness the impossible can become possible. This is why Li Lian was summoned for the night. She worked hard and her sowed seeds were budding.

Li lian was not sure what was in the herbal mix Court Lady Nam made for her, but it worked. Her head did not hurt anymore and her strength was coming back.

Li Lian and Court Lady Nam, escorted by five pairs of eunuchs and palace maids, were walking to the dragon palace from the physician department. This is where the Grand Royal physician, the one who was dedicated to only treating the emperor, examined her. He analysed her pulse and gave a different diagnosis compared to the lying pig who stated she had a disease. The true diagnosis stated she drank something for sleep inducement―her suspicions exactly.

The Grand Physician prescribed something for her which was then prepared by Court Lady Nam and her attendants. He also gave her a full-body exam, to ensure she was healthy and did not have anything infectious she could transmit to the dragon on this night.

Eunuch Nam and the scribe left after dropping them at the physician department. Eunuch Nam needed to get back to His Majesty's side, wherever he was.

The dragon palace was high upon the hill overlooking the rest of the grand palace(the middle and lower ground), its many lifted mosaic roofs giving it the look of an eccentric crown. Next to it was the phoenix palace, as splendid as its husband.

The huge doors they went through had prodigious dragons imprinted on them. In the candlelight, the shadows gave them the impression of being real living creatures. They all took a couple of steps before they approached another entrance. This one had a draped curtain of yellow and brown beaded ropes. A pair of five palace maids and eunuchs stood by the entrance on opposite ends. They pushed the beads aside for them to enter.

"Greetings to Court Lady Nam," they bowed.

Court Lady Nam was a professional when it came to doing her work. She was respectful, intentional in getting the job done and did not speak except to give instructions.

Li lian did not know if she should try having the woman on her good side. Would she be a good tool for later on?

"Where is His Majesty?" Court Lady Nam asked the attendants by the entrance.

"Still at the banquet, entertaining guests, My Lady."

The Dragon Palace welcoming room was magnificent. There were valuable paintings on the walls, large candles on designated stupendous candle stands, statues of gold, a carpeted floor and artefacts. The room was so large you would take all day looking around and admiring. Li Lian was blown away by the opulent aesthetic of brown shades that fed yellow and gold. It was sumptuous.

Court Lady Nam led her to the bath-house at the back of the dragon palace. It resembled the one she washed Yuwen Hong's back, at the Grounds camp. The confines were steamy to get every bit of dirt off her. They bathed her with milk because it was believed to cleanse both the soul and the body. It was kind of embarrassing to have up to seven maids ogling her as they bathed her. When she had her own servants as Princess Le-anne, one or two would bathe her, not this many.

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