Laws Of Nature

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Two chapters in one update. I know I don't have to say that but funny thing is someone will go down to say, update again, not appreciating that what I worked myself out on just now is two chapters put together 😅😅😅


Still editing.

Chapter 67


Hu-go was not the eldest son like he would so like. Before him, a son was born to the woman his father was infatuated with.

His elder brother was one of the greatest generals, who understood military tactics and strategies quite well, after growing up in the military belonging to the greatest empire.

If the prodigal son became the next king, it would be good for Huticah and make Nevoria a little vulnerable to have someone who worked with them, now against them.

Hu-go was always insecure about that. As long as he had an elder brother, was his title as crown prince safe? And he overheard one of the officials that contributed to the royal meetings mentioning that his father had once imagined getting Le-anne back from the palace of Nevoria so as to marry her to his eldest son. To King Tobba, it seemed they would make a very strong couple.

But to Hu-go, it would be the ending of the privileged life he knew.

"Stand in order for Drago!" A female official announced, and everyone went to stand by their dining seat.

Hu-go was told he would seat by the head table, next to the queen, since he was to be the son-in-law.

The queen entered and everyone from Huticah held their breath. Most of them, it was their first time to meet the queen and rightly so, she was gorgeous more than they imagined.

Even in her old age, her beauty was bewitching. But it wasn't just the looks, it was the elegance, the grace, the boldness that women normally didn't carry. She was like a being that didn't live on earth.

What she put on was even more spectacular. A shimmering white dress with an open back and shoes Hu-go had never seen any woman wear in his time. They were of the same material identical to the dress, but with a pointy black heel.

It had to be painful to wear them, since she stood on her toes than any other part of her foot. Nonetheless, that you could not tell as she didn't show it.

Her maids carried in a fancy treasure chest and laid it at her daughter's feet.

Eleanor held her mouth in amazement and her mother laughed at her reaction. She then patted Eleanor on the head, kissed her on the cheek and whispered some words.

Eleanor wiped off some tears and hugged her mother in thanks. Hu-go still found it weird to see Eleanor without her wingers.

The first time they met, what drew him in to her were the glory of them flapping in the air, the color of them at their full potential. However, they were now gone.

It was rumored that the queen cut them off, but he wouldn't dare confirm that with Eleanor. They were not as close, and neither did anyone seem to care about it, except his father who still mourned over the fact that Eleanor couldn't be queen anymore and marrying her wasn't as beneficial as it was earlier on.

But what could they do? They were already in negotiations, backing out now would be a slap on the face for the queen. She would be enraged and vengeful.

In their original plan, marrying Eleanor meant they would have the future queen of Furia at their disposal, and they could merge Huticah and Furia into one.

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