The Man And I

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My first book was in an exercise book. I would cut out magazine pictures and paste them on a book to make my cast.

My classmates would be the ones to read my books and they loved them. I remember having a deskmate who would do all my notes so that I would rather finish the story I had started. She just couldn't wait to find out what is next.

Fast forward to university. Before moving out of the university residence, I shared my dorm with a girl who threatened to kill me while I sleep if I dare kill Yuwen Hong or Li Lian. Lolol

I'm forever grateful for the people who supported and loved my work to be where I am now.

PS: I can't believe it! Just +/-20 chapters left. Ahh! It makes me want to cry. The experience I got writing His Majesty And I has been the best. I love this book so much. It is my baby because this is where I fell for the ML and FL so hard. Just one more book, how will I part from them? There is none that can be like these two. And Grand Consort Shu, who can be like her? Dao, Luo Meng... All of them are the most authentic characters (to me) I can only find in my mind.

Chapter 61

Imperial Concubine Wei
Wei Li Lian

Li Lian stumbled out of the wagon and waited for the tattooed man to cut off her ties. She was calmer than expected.

"You are the most beautiful so we will have you first." Tattooed man winked and closed the door with Consort Wang inside, not bothering to lock it.

Li Lian plodded behind him, looking at the men that stared at her like she was the next meal―well she was. They were about ten of them, not as much as she imagined. Few of them sat under the tree, enjoying the shade and a game they had constructed for themselves.

Others were hanging around toward the cliff, dressing up beside the bodies of the concubines that lay recklessly on the ground.

Li Lian did not shake or react when she saw the head of the familiar concubine separated from the rest of her body. She was a bloody mess, yet not to the extent Concubine Pi was.

Concubine Pi had many knives punctured onto her body, and a row of them led to her belly from her thighs. She was naked and neglected like a sacrificed voodoo doll with a circle of five knives on her belly.

Li Lian shivered and almost fainted. The site was awful, blood-drenched horror she was sure she would never forget. It was a massacre.

When the fingers of Concubine Pi twitched and a groan came from her, Li Lian's knees weakened. She was repelled by the bile rising within.

Li Lian blinked her tears as she looked at the tattooed man to escape the nightmare she was seeing.

The man gave her a questioning look when she kept glaring at him, but she naturally simpered with her best smile. "I like the work you did with those two wantons."

His eyebrows lifted, even more surprised.

"I really hated them. I hate Nevoria, it is the worst nation ever. They think they are better than everyone."

He laughed and scratched his stomach as his head fell back in bliss. "I thought you were a harem woman. We found you in the palace."

"Me? Why would I want to be in that place? I am proudly Furian, but that horrible emperor had me as his slave. That's why I was in that awful palace. It was disgusting because I was only there for his pleasure."

"Yes, I got her from Baho, who found her in the emperor's palace." A short young man who seemed to be her age walked over and took out a bottle of water that was on the sack hung on the horse.

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