~ Three ~

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All of the teens awoke around 8:30, which is the latest they could sleep in for a while because when the kids came they would have to wake up around 6:30 or 7:00. The counselors in training would come today to get instruction and the counselors would teach them how to work things and what to be cautious of. Of course Richie forgot to set his alarm, so Stan had to go and wake him up. "Wake up Richie its almost nine you peasant!" Stan yelled at the sleeping child. "Huh is the Apocalypse here?" Richie questioned as he woke up. Stan rolled his eyes in response and pushed Richie out of his bed. "Ouch you mother fucker." He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

After Richie finally got ready to go the two walked to the counselors building to get his breakfast. Obviously the counselors got better quality food than the kids because they had to go through way more than the kids. Richie got bacon and eggs and sat down with the rest of the group. "Good morning guys, ready to train little children today?" Richie asked. Everyone else laughed at this. "Well at least you woke up at a reasonable hour today." Beverly starts, everyone agreeing and saying something like, 'I know right, surprising he's up before noon.'

Once they finish eating, they go into the main room where the camp leader explains what they need to teach their c.i.t(counselors in training). After she was done with her little speech, Eddie imminently said, "I think Richie will need some assistance teaching the trainees the proper information." He snickered after that and received a eye roll from Richie. "I think I'm fine Edward." He responding, putting more emphasis into Edward. Beverly stepped in between to keep them from murdering each other in that very moment. "Okay! The counselors should be here soon remember to tell them everything and remember only you guys get the separate room in the counselor cabin." The camp leader Gina said before the teens left the building.

The trainees mostly consisted of eighth graders through softmore teens. Beverly made the most friends out of her group because she didn't have a coed cabin, she had an all girl cabin. The girls related to her very much, they all liked the same things and they were really nice. Richie on the other hand, was praised by every counselor in training because he would break tiny rules that no one would notice, he was also deemed "cool" by eighth graders which made him feel very good about himself. Eddie made sure everyone sanitized before, during, and after activities to keep illness away from his cabin. Stan made sure everyone was organized because messes would not be tolerated in team yellow's cabin. Bill made sure everyone could be safe, as his brother went missing in middle school, so he protects everyone else to make sure nothing happens to anyone else. Mike walks everybody through the procedures thoroughly so his team stays out of trouble during the summer. Ben teaches his team about the history behind the camp and basically his life story.


Everyone woke up really early because the campers were going to be there today. Everyone was overly excited to see the kids they have watched grow up throughout every summer. Gina had also posted which kid was going to what team. "Guys Kiara is on my team this year again!" Beverly exclaimed. Kiara was one of her favorite kids to lead because Kiara developed an emotional attachment to Bev. She could go to Bev with any problem and she wouldn't judge or say that her opinion was wrong. Bev smiled in pure joy, "I remember most of them I'm so happy they are on my team!"

"Good for you Bev but do you have boys and girls, I think not!" Richie says back. "Richie only Bev and I have only girl or only boy teams don't feel special." Mike started. "Okay well I am special." Richie tried to come back with, crossing his arms as the group started laughing and snorting in response. Richie then face palmed, "Not what I meant."

"Hey guys can you come out here to your tables and start signing people into their cabins and giving out name tags?" Gina asked. "Oh yeah sorry we just were looking at who's in our team." Ben said. They started out to their team cabins and sat at a table with stick on name tags on them with the first and last names of kids. Next to the name tags there was a clipboard with everyone's name to check off to make sure everyone is there. They sat in the sun all day checking people in, with Gina occasionally giving them water and sunscreen so they didn't die on day one.

Cabin # 365 - Reddie - IT Camp Counselor auWhere stories live. Discover now