~ Eleven ~

970 19 115

A/n: You guys will hate me sorry not sorry

T/w: Abuse

It was finally nightfall on this warm Friday, which meant that the rest weekend was basically free for all of the losers. The kids just did whatever they wanted and if they needed help they asked a counselor. This friday there was no bonfire, so the kids went straight to their cabin to hopefully fall asleep. These Fridays were the Fridays that the losers got together and talked around a campfire. This fire was much smaller than the bonfire, as it only needed to help keep seven teens warm. Mike had just finished setting up the fire, he was the only one trusted to start the fire as he was taught on his farm as a kid.

"These have to be my favorite day of the week because I get to check in on everyone and we can all talk." Ben stated, receiving smiles from around the fire. "I mean I have to talk to Richie so these aren't my favorite times." Stan remarks, receiving an eye roll from the trashmouth himself. "What do you mean Stan, I'm literally the best person to talk to. I can put into detail about my last fuck sesh with Ed's mom. On that note, it always sucks when we go to camp because I can't fuck Eddie's mom for like two months." Richie explained, staring daggers at Stan, but in a friendly way of course. All Stan responded with was, "My point has been proven." Everyone else started laughing.

The fire crackled, sending ambers into the sky as they continued talking throughout the night. The ambers reminded the losers that everyone was here, everyone is safe, everyone could finally be themselves and not pretend to be the perfect kid in small minded Derry. They made jokes, talked about other campers tea, and just had fun. 

Stan had his boyfriend's head on his shoulder, his eyes fighting to stay open. Stan noticed this and pulled Bill onto his lap so he could comfortably fall asleep. "Ew the two are fucking!" Richie exclaimed pointing to the two boys. "Richie, just let the two be, Stan is being calm and we don't want you to ruin that." Mike chimed in. Everybody seemed to agree with Mike, which caused Richie to let out a groan of defeat.

"Hey guys I think we're gonna go, Bill's asleep I think and I don't want to wake him." Stan announced. Everybody said their goodbyes to Stan as he picked up the boy in slumber bridal style back to his cabin. "Awww, they are so cute I can't," Beverly started, her head resting on Ben's shoulder, "I can tell they will be together for a while, maybe even forever." She finished, looking up at her boyfriend. Ben nodded his head, "I agree they are meant for each other." Ben acknowledged, intertwining his fingers with Beverly's. 

It went silent for a couple of minutes, probably a sign that some of them, if not all should go back to their cabin to sleep soon. "I think I'm gonna head back, it's getting a little cold and I don't want to get sick." Eddie announced to everyone, pushing himself off the seat to his feet. He waved at the group, which waved back, and started along the trail that brought them to this place. "See ya later Ed's." Richie responded still waving. Eddie inhaled deeply before saying, "Not my name, but see you later Rich." Richie smiled at the boy, who of course gave a huge smile back.


Eddie had almost gotten to his cabin when a voice called out, "Eddie, help me please!" The short boy turned around and saw nothing, so he kept walking to his room. The voice once again called out, "Eddie I'm on the hill!" Which caused the boy to run over to where the hill started dipping down to find a body at the bottom laying down. "It hurts Eddie, it really hurts please help me." The boy at the bottom of the hill begged. Eddie looked at his cabin and back at the boy and decided to help the boy. He side stepped down the hill to make sure he didn't fall because of the steep slant of the hill. The boy sat up and Eddie immediately knew who it was, "Kai?" He questioned, "What happened?" 

"I don't know can you take me back to the cabin, I-I'm rainbow cabin." He asked. Eddie being Eddie said yes and helped him to the cabin. It took a while because Kai was limping pretty bad. There was nothing visibly broken or bruised so Eddie was confused.

Once they got to the team cabin, Kai took his off Eddie's shoulders and pushed him into the room next to Richie's. "What the fuck are you doing?" Eddie blurted out a little loud, causing Kai to cover his mouth. "Shut up dickhead." He responded as he locked the door. Eddie tried to go for the door but Kai stood in front of it, lifting up Eddie's chin, "Where do you think you're going babe?" He asked sweetly. Eddie clenched his fists at either side of his body and yelled back, "Where am I going? Oh you want to know where I'm going, I'm going back to my cabin to get some sleep and get away from you psychopath!" He immediately felt the back of Kai's palm hit his cheek, Eddie's hand coming up to feel the red mark starting to form on his face.


Everyone had gone back to sleep except for Richie and Beverly, because they had some things to talk about. "So, when are you gonna do it?" Beverly instantly asked once the two were alone. "Tomorrow night actually!" He chuckled, putting his head in his hands in embarrassment. Beverly patted him on the back and encouraged him by saying, "You got this Rich, he likes you so much." Richie just nodded, "I should get back so I can get enough sleep for tomorrow." He chuckled. Beverly said her goodbyes and let the boy go.


"So you're in love with the trashmouth I hear." Kai starts, waiting for a response. "Um y-yeah don't tell him though I know you guys are friends and all." Eddie requested, his palms sweaty and slightly shaking. "Well honey you won't have to deal with Richie, because you're mine now babe." He stated causing Eddie to start to panic. "No I'm not?" He questioned. "Actually yes you are, if you don't get with me, you better bet your life will become a living hell. I will ruin you Kaspbrak, and no one will like you after this one babe." He explained cornering the scared boy. "F-fine just please let me go!" Eddie begged.

 Kai pulled him into a long lasting kiss, it wasn't passionate at all, it disgusted Eddie and he just wanted to pull away, but he couldn't. After Kai allowed the boy to pull away he whispered, "Good boy. If any of your dickhead friends find out about this, you're dead, you hear that Ed's." Eddie frantically nodded. He mumbled back, "Only Richie can call me Ed's."

"Well not anymore bitch. I don't want you hanging around him anymore, if I see you with him alone I will punish you, you hear me!" He exclaimed. Eddie nodded and rubbed the sides of his arms. "I should get going." He started but Kai grabbed the boy's wrist, "No you are not I am not letting you go anywhere. You will stay with me tonight."

"But Richie-" Kai dug his fingers into Eddie's wrist, causing him to yelp. "Don't but Richie me, I want him to see that you are with someone much better than him." Kai dragged Eddie to his bunk and pushed him on the bed. He crawled in after, pulling Eddie close to him, Eddie scared to object the cuddle. 


Richie opened the door to the cabin and looked at all of the sleeping youth counselors. He saw two bodies in Kai's bunk, so he was a little confused. He had gotten curious and peeked at who the other person was and saw Eddie's face. He backed up, finding the handle of the door and opening the door, only to close it and cry, just cry. "Shit, I knew it was too good to be true." He mumbled to himself. He didn't know what to tell Bev after this.

He had gone to bed crying over his first love finally being lost.


I'm currently eating strawberries and cucumbers out of my detox water with a straw as a fork. Sorry not sorry :)

Love you all

- Sophie

Cabin # 365 - Reddie - IT Camp Counselor auWhere stories live. Discover now