~ Twenty Four ~

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"Stay alive," a soft voice said above an unconscious body. The temperature in the hospital was way too cold for anyone's liking. It felt as if the innocent people who have died in this very building have been haunting the figure, pacing the room, praying that the body was alive.

The body happened to be Richie Tozier, a bandage surrounding his torso, lines of stitches just underneath the fabric.

The other figure in the room was none other than Eddie Kaspbrak, tears pouring out of his eyes, his fingers interlocked with the injured boy. "We can't get one fucking week off from this shit." He managed to say through sobs.

On the other side of the hospital bed, a heart monitor stood, thankfully Richie's heartbeat was normal, which meant he would be okay.

Even if Eddie knew he would be fine, he still had a feeling of guilt and worry in his stomach as he rubbed his thumb over Richie's palm.

He knew that Gina would text him any minute now asking him to go back to the camp with her, as she let him visit Richie. As on cue, his phone buzzed from the bedside table, the screen lighting up with a notification from the 'messages' app.

Gina: Hey Eddie, we have to head back to camp now, you can come back tomorrow though, okay?

Eddie: Oh, okay, i'll be down in a minute.

He set his phone down, letting go of Richie's hand before standing up and kissing his forehead, "Bye Chee, i'll come back tomorrow, promise," He muttered, proceeding to grab his belongings and open the door, hearing a small click from the door opening.

Once he got outside, Gina was leaning against her car, walking over to the short boy to rub his back in reassurance. "He'll be okay Eddie, I promise." Gina started, opening the passenger door so he could sit inside.

The boy was silent the whole ride, his elbow on the edge of the window, his head resting in his hand, images of trees flying by him as he thinks, about life, about Richie, about his friends. Oh his friends, they must be so fucking worried.

Right as it seemed that they left the hospital, they were back at camp, police cars surrounding the main office building.

"Eddie stay here, i'll go check out what's happening." Gina stated, opening the car door and walking into her office.

She's sees a figure with their head down, having handcuffs tightened around their wrists. Once the figure lifted their head, it was none other than Liam, he stayed silent as he was pushed into the police car outside of the building.

"Hello ma'am, do you where Richard Tozier and Edward Kaspbrak are?" The officer asked, Gina nodding and bringing her to the car where Eddie sat.

Eddie got out of the car, slamming the door behind him and following the officer into one of the conference rooms that the office building had.

The women nodded Gina away out of the room so her and Eddie could have some privacy. Once Gina left the room, The police officer started questioning him. "Hello Edward, I am Monika, i'll be asking you some questions about Kai and Liam Brown, is that okay?" She asked, Eddie slowly nodding his head.

Monika started asking him questions such as, 'What did Kai do to you?' 'What did you witness when Liam was in your room?' and other questions revolving around Eddie's time with Kai and Liam.

Once Monika finished writing something on her notepad, another girl, in her fourties or fifties walked in and sat down near Monika. She held her hand out across the table, which Eddie took and shook. "Hi Edward, I am Charlie and ill be your lawyer for you and Richards case against the Brown family, specifically their two sons."

"C-case, as in i'm going to court?" He asked, knowing if the case started soon, before his oncoming birthday, then his mom would take him home and he would never be allowed to stay in California. "Yes, the charges on Kai are sexual harassment, and the charges on Liam are assault, but Liam was kind of a hitman for Kai, so he also has a charge of assault on his plate." Charlie explained, Eddie's knee bouncing due to stress. "How soon is the case?" He tried to ask like a normal person, but he couldn't. Charlie picked a paper up from inside a vanilla envelope, reading through it and then answering Eddie's question, "The soonest we could start the case would be a week and a half, and the latest we could hold the case is in the middle of August. Eddie nodded and hummed so that the adults knew he was listening.

"When Richie wakes up, we can figure out dates and all that shit." Eddie explained, Monika and Charlie nodding in response, ready to win another case for a mistreated child, technically child since Eddie's birthday was in a week.

After a couple more minutes of discussing plans and sharing notes through clipboards, the police officer and lawyer ushered Eddie off to go see his friends.

He immediately goes to Bill's cabin, letting the tears that he held back in the conference room slide down his cheeks. Once he gets into the counselors cabin, tears splatter on the floor trickle, trickle, trickle. He knocked on Bill's door, Bill opening the door and bringing him in his room once he saw Eddie's condition and bringing him into a hug.

"Eddie, you wanna talk about it, is it Richie?" He asked, Eddie pulling away from the hug and sitting on the bed. Bill was Eddie's best friend (besides Richie of course) and so whenever Eddie had a problem, he would usually lay his head in Bill's lap and sob and rant about the problem, most of them doing with his mother. Bill would tell him that everything would be okay, and he would stroke his hair, reassuring his words.

Bill sat criss cross, leaning against the headboard, letting Eddie lay his head in his lap and cry out everything he has in him. A few words were passed, but it was mostly the cries of Eddie Kaspbrak and the shushes of Bill Denbrough.

After an hour of the shorter boy choking on his sobs, he falls asleep.


Hey guys! i'm in the car on the way back, it was really fun hahah. I got to do some boating which reminded me of home since I go sailing a lot. The water was like 47 degrees and that was fun.

Anyways I'm hungry.

How was all countries matter day?

Love you all

- Sophie

Cabin # 365 - Reddie - IT Camp Counselor auWhere stories live. Discover now