~ Sixteen ~

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"Eddie why didn't you listen to me?" The figure said, pushing Richie away from the smaller boy. The figure had grabbed Eddie's wrist, pulling him away from Richie. "Kai leave me the fuck alone, I hate you!" Eddie yelled out, trying to pull away from the other boy's grip. "Oh honey you love me, accept it, you are just scared, the gay will grow on you." Kai responded, getting a firmer grip on Eddie's wrist. "No Kai, it's not that I'm scared of being gay, I'm proud, and it's because I like someone else you fucking idiot, now let me go!" He pulled as hard as he could to get out of the younger boy's grasp, but nothing worked.

Richie ran at Kai, pulling on his arm until he got fed up and pushed Richie, giving Eddie a chance to run away to try to get to the office. Kai started running after Eddie, Richie stepping in front of Kai. "Don't try to get him Kai, he hates you, and you did some fucked up things to him." Richie explained, trying not to punch him in the face. "I do whatever the fuck I want with my boyfriend." He replied, Richie huffing out in anger.

"I don't think hitting him is the best option asshole." Richie replied snarky, getting a punch in the face from the younger boy. Richie cupped his cheek, getting ready to swing back. The three boys must have caused quite a commotion because a voice called out, "Hey dickhead, let go of him!" The two boys turned around to see Emily running at Kai. 

She stopped right before she ran into the boy, particles of soot getting in her shoe. "You literally abuse the boy go away before we force you." She flipped Kai off, stepping onto Richie's side. Kai went to throw a punch at Emily, but she stepped out of the way and punched his jaw, Kai's hand going up to where she punched. "Like a taste of your own medicine bastard." She crossed her arms across her chest, receiving a huff of anger from Kai.


After awhile, both sides were in a full on fight, some youth counselors joined Kai, so they were outnumbered. Richie and Emily were getting their asses beat, and they knew they had to get out of there before things got worse. Richie could feel the warm, crimson liquid slowly drip from his nose to his lip, 'my nose is broken for sure,' he thought trying to keep up a fight. Emily had not gotten as many hits as Richie had, as she was a youth counselor and they knew she was capable of much more than just beating some kids' asses.

All of the youth counselors had ganged up and cornered Richie and beaten him senseless, Emily running trying to help the taller boy, but nothing was working. One of the kids punched him in the temple hard enough to knock him out. Once the teenagers realized he was out, they beat him senseless, Emily screaming for help.

"Hey get in my building now!" Gina yelled at the counselors. Emily turned around and saw Eddie standing next to Gina, both of their faces dropped when they saw Richie's condition. "He got a blow to the temple, I tried my best to help but they wouldn't leave." Emily started looking at the ground. Eddie ran over to Emily and gave her a hug, "Thanks for trying to protect Chee, even if it hadn't worked, you tried your hardest and just thank you." He mumbled to the girl. "Yeah of course Eddie, sorry it kind of failed." She said back, forcing out a chuckle. 

"Hey, can you two take Richie to the beds in the nurse's office for me please, I have to take care of some kids." Gina asked, the two nodding and walking over to the unconscious boy. They carefully picked him up and carried him into the building and started their way to the nurse's office. 

Once they got in the office, they set Richie's limp body on the bed so he could rest. "Thanks for the help, I kind of want to be here alone to talk to him when he wakes up, not trying to kick you out but-"

"Yeah I get it Eddie, see you around, hopefully Kai learns his lesson." Emily interrupted, standing up and walking to the doorway.


It had been four hours, four hours of Eddie fidgeting with his fanny pack, four hours of him worrying, and four hours of him sanitizing his hands. Eddie was currently pacing the room, waiting for his best friend to wake up. 

After a couple more minutes he heard a groan from beside him, he turned his head and saw the taller boy flutter his eyes open. "Richie! What do you need I can get you an ice pack, here lets get you cleaned up." Eddie rambled, happy his best friend is waking up. "Ed's," he chuckled, "Can I get water and some advil, my head fucking hurts." He responded. Eddie nodded his head and practically ran to go get him the medication out of the cabinets. 

He placed the pill in Richie's palm, waiting for him to put it in the back of his throat before giving him the water bottle that was in Eddie's other hand. Once he swallowed the water Eddie asked, "Anything else you need Rich before I start cleaning you up?" Richie shook his head, rolling over so Eddie could have better access to his face.

When Eddie came back with the supplies, he started off with a washcloth soaked in warm water. Eddie slowly started wiping off the dry blood from his face. After the dry blood was removed, Eddie poured peroxide onto a cotton tablet and was about to start deep cleaning the cuts but then he stopped and explained,  "Rich this may hurt, please stay still for me." Richie nodded his head, letting Eddie place the soaked cotton round on his face. He hissed in pain for a few seconds, grabbing Eddie's free hand for support. Once Eddie was done, he cupped Richie's face and turned it, looking for any major injuries.

"The only big issue is your broken nose, you can't do extremely athletic events for a couple weeks, please for the love of god let it heal, okay." Eddie begged knowing Richie would re-break it somehow. Richie nodded his head, "Yessir, gotta listen to Dr. K's orders." He smiled back. Richie sat up so he was facing Eddie. Eddie shook his head, "Why Richie, why would you go through all of this over Kai? I understand what he did was bad, but I'm a useless piece of walking flesh on this Earth Richie, just why?" He asked, looking Richie in the eyes.

Richie smiled and cupped his cheeks in his hands, "Because spaghetti,"

Then he leaned in and kissed Eddie.


Hey guys :) Hehehe cliff hanger. Um so I pranked a whole gc that Emily was gonna fuck Kai so that's fun. 

Um fuck Trump (again)

a win for lgbtq we now can't get fired from our jobs for being gay!!

Anyways love you all :)

- Sophie

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