{P.1} How You Meet

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You guys meet at the fright zone when you were kids. When you got there you were always nice to her even when she was mean. After an incident with Shadow Weaver when you told her not to be mean to Catra she became your friend. Your one of the good cadets like Adora but Shadow Weaver likes her more then you. 


You were with Madam Razz when she came she was asking about a horse. You saw that she had horde clothing but she didn't seem as a threat. So you didn't point it out then Madam Razz started calling her Mara and you apologized to her and introduced yourself. She introduced herself then stuff with Madam Razz happened and the horde.


Your dad made you go with him to join the rebellion when you were a kid. That's were you met Glimmer you two became bestfriends straight after meeting. You guys hung out all the time since you live close. You mother was sadly killed in the war but that's why you are in the rebellion to fight for her.


You where walking around the woods exploring and trying to find something to do when you stumbled onto a building. It was in pretty good shape for being in the woods so you kinda just walked in not expecting people to be there. But then two men came out and asked if you were lost. They introduced them self's and you introduced yourself and Lance started showing you around George was more hesitant. Before he could show you around a boy that looked around your age came and asked his dads who you were. Lance told him to show you around while he got snack although you told him not to an he took his husband with him. You introduced yourself again and told them the situation after Bow showed you around. When you saw the first ones tech you were so excited!

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