{P.9} How You Cheer Them Up

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When she's sad it's mostly because of Shadow Weaver which sucks ass. You guys go to your hiding spot and you let her lay her head on your lap. You pet her hair and let her rant most of the time. When that doesn't work you go and train with her so she can blow off some steam. She can be stubborn at times at not want to fight you because she thinks you'll get hurt. But after a bit of persuade she said she'll do it and after a bit of training she'll be okay and you two will go take a nap.


She really likes affection so you hug and cuddle her for a while. After that you would take her on a ride with Swiftwind if she's up to it. He also tries to help cheer her up but if that doesn't work then you go to plan B. You guys go get snacks and go to the lake near by. When you finish your snacks you talk for a bit then go for a swim.After that she's okay and you two go back to the castle and go to sleep.


She goes over to your place and just hugs you not saying anything. When she does this you know something's going on but you shouldn't talk about it just yet. There's two ways this can go you hug her back and tell her everything is going to be okay. Then you sing to her and she calms down or falls asleep. Or hug her back and ask if she wants to go get snacks which she always almost says yes to. An hide in the fort that you guys built together and talk about it later.


He comes over to your house and cries to you about whatever it is. When he's done crying he tell you about what happened. In which you tell him the it's going to be okay and you help him out with whatever it is. Then you guys go walk around talking to the locals so he can calm down. 


Sorry this one took a bit I fell asleep. So like I've been saying if you want me to put a character in or a specific chapter just ask! 

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