Kevin calls Davida several times but she doesn't answer. He sends in many texts, still no reply.
She finally replies,
Davida: Did you expect me to smile or act normal seeing that. Hugs, pecks OMG!! You went too far.Kevin: I'm sorry. I couldn't just shy away from them besides they love me...I mean like me.
Davida: Love you? Like you? Is that what you're saying.
Kevin: I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you so angry. It won't happen again I promise.
Davida: You promise lol. My jealousy was so intense today and if I had stood there for another second, I would have had a cardiac arrest. I don't know what came over you and Joel. Bestfriends, same feather.
Kevin: As I said, I'm sorry. It's only you I love, don't bother about all those girls who come near me. I'm only yours.
Davida: Are you sure? I felt so heartbroken. Do you know how I cried?
Kevin: I'm sorry babe. Let's just forget about this my sweetness.
Davida: I'm just scared to lose you Kev.
Kevin: I'm not gonna leave you. I love you Davida. Are you going to let this ruin our date tomorrow?
Davida: I thought of not coming but I still love you Kev. I can't do without you. I want to be by your side always.
Kevin: Sounds okay. So tomorrow 7pm I'll come and pick you. Don't let anything worry you Davida, I love you.
Davida: I love you more Kev. Time to sleep...Goodnight handsome.
Cold Saturday morning with flowers covered by dew. Kevin goes for an early morning jog through the estate, workouts and fitness training as they end up at the gymnasium. The ladies stare at Kevin in his tight Under Armour shirt showing his well built physique.
He was lifting the dumbbell as he gets a message notification. He finds out it is a text from Davida. She had sent videos and pictures of herself as she went through her morning routine workouts. Kevin sends his too in reply. "Kindly let me know when you get home", She texts.
Kevin: I'm home now babe. What are you doing?Davida: I've been waiting for ages. I'm just relaxing on the couch after having breakfast.
Kevin: You could have called so we talked. That's nice
Davida: I didn't want to distract you. Eaten yet?
Kevin: Just got home, heading straight to the kitchen to get myself something to eat.
Davida: Okay, take care and I can't wait to see you. I miss the whole you.
Kevin: I miss you too
Davida: I'll call you when I'm done so you come pick me up. Our first date
Kevin: Okay babe. Take care. I love you
It is 6:43 pm and Davida calls Kevin to let him know she's ready. Kevin already in his white 'No Name' clothing line shirt and black jeans trouser with his Nike Air Huarache footwear, gets his car keys and vruuum to Davida's place. "You look stunning. You're indeed the epitome of beauty", Kevin compliments as he sees her in her rosy fitting dress showing her curves and bossom. Davida covers her face as she blushes. "Come on my queen" he says as he opens the front door for her to sit. He kisses her hand as he airs her to sit. Throughout the drive, Kevin kept complimenting the looks of Davida making have hot cheeks. She cuts of Kevin with, "your eyes sparkle as I can see the stars in your eyes. I'm happy to have you and you make me feel like a queen. The love candle of ours keeps burning with no wax melting. The unquenchable embers of our love, just as the rose flower enhances the love bloom, it is just you and me to make our love full. I love you Kevin". Kevin wears a blushy smile as he keeps his eyes on the road. "I love you more my queen", he says.
They get to the Blue Stacks Hotel, move to the restaurant and have a seat at one corner of the hall. Kevin being a very famous guy and Davida one of the best high school models on the runway, everyone gazed at them with others taking pictures of them. The waiter comes over and they both ask for ice cream. They have long talks with smiles and since it was their first date, they both made it a must to make it memorable enough. Davida asks about how come he broke up with Joy, he explains everything to her in his cunning way for her to believe he wasn't at fault.
They now order for rice and chicken with some drinks. It was getting late as they decide to spend the night together in one of the luxurious rooms. Kevin holds Davida tightly to the door and starts to kiss her neck with arms wrapped around her waist, he slides his hands onto her bossom and the kissing gets intense. She moans as Kevin raises her up and she holds him tightly with her legs locked behind him. She starts to breathe faster. Kevin lays her on the bed and they kiss intensely. She takes off Kevin's shirt to show his adorable six packs, chest and muscles. Kevin undresses Davida. She tries to cover herself with the blanket with Kevin only in boxer shorts already having a bulge.He lies by her side with arms around her and they keep kissing. She starts to shiver as Kevin gets on her. Kevin knowing he is her first date, he knows she is a virgo intacta. She holds him very tight, hardly could he breathe either as she still continues to shake and starts sweating profusely. "We can end this if you aren't ready", Kevin says looking at Davida in the eyes. She takes her eyes off and pulls him closer, they kiss again for some seconds. "Are you okay if I go deeper?". She nods in approval. They make out and fall deeply asleep.
Kevin wakes up early to get her breakfast. Her eyes open as he entered. She looked sour. She squeals and tries to sit up. Kevin rushes to sit by her with her head on his chest and he says "you need to rest for a while". Kevin leaves to go get her a pill and a glass of water to numb the pain. After few minutes, she gets up to wash down and they prepare to leave. Kevin goes to get her ice cream from the Rose Mart before he drops her home.Kevin answers Joel's phone call as he sat on his bed. "What's up Kevin? How was your date last night besides Michelle and I went out too".
It was lit. I hit the core, Kevin replies. "Ouuu that must be crazy. Our scenes are synonymous I think. I also hit Michelle hard. Bad boys for life haha...Now they can go away if they want", Joel says.
"Exactly bro, I'll be coming over to your place soon", Kevin adds. "I'll be waiting", he says and hangs up.***********
Thank you very much for reading🙏☄. It gets better and better. Don't forget to vote and your comments are welcome🔥

Short StoryA boy who felt no motherly love as even his mum disliked him, decides to play with the feelings and heart of any girl who comes his way. He got so many girls broken to the extent that some needed a therapy. He finally gets broken as he decides to st...