So it's Monday, Mona meets up with Kevin after school at the car park. After a long chat she brings up the game conversation again. She tells Kevin about the game. She says it's called a game for two. This is how it's played. They both live like lovers and do everything like lovers. Anyone that catches feelings for the other is the loser. "Huh, how is this possible haha. All the same I'm in", Kevin says. So the game starts.
Kevin goes to pick her everyday for school and drops her off after school too. They behaved like lovers to the extent everyone thought that she was Kevin's newly landed lover but they knew what was going on. They go on night outs to watch movies, go to play fields, go on romantic dates and others.
Kevin began to catch feelings but did not want to admit. They became so so close. Unfortunately, Mona had a boyfriend but never told Kevin. Angelo was Mona's boyfriend in her former school. They had not broken up cause they still had the connection and met on holidays and vacations. They still loved each other. Mona found this relation with Kevin as just a game and no strings attached.
This game continued for about three months and still Kevin hadn't admitted. Though they did things as lovers, there was a rule to never make out or sleepover. Kisses were allowed in the game. Kevin felt he had found his true love now. He told his boys what was going on between him and Mona.
He wanted to shoot his shot but feared he would be the loser. He continued to hide it.
Mona at some point also developed feelings for Kevin but not so strong as compared to Kevin's. She also hid it. The game continued for sometime.There was a time they visited the beach, enjoyed the cold breeze and had some sips. Kevin's abs caught Mona staring at him so badly. She couldn't keep her eyes off. His gaze was also fixed on Mona's curvy body with big bossom. After hugs and kisses, horse ridings and more, they still called it a game.
Will they both admit their love for each other and who will do that first?
Will the game turnout to be something else?
In this context, is Mona playing Kevin?
Let's continue reading. Gradually we're getting to the climax of the story. Thank you to everyone who has been with me through this journey🙏❤.
Let's ask friends to read this intriguing story too💕

Short StoryA boy who felt no motherly love as even his mum disliked him, decides to play with the feelings and heart of any girl who comes his way. He got so many girls broken to the extent that some needed a therapy. He finally gets broken as he decides to st...