On a chilly Saturday eve, Kevin and his friends all decide to meet at Joel's place. They plan on playing video games, have drinks and also interview one among them. After all the games and drinks, they all choose Kevin to be interviewed and Steve as the interviewee and it's through him the others will forward their questions to Kevin. Kevin accepts to be interviewed. So they set up the place with Kevin on a single sofa chair facing all the boys.
So the conversation starts after all questions had been forwarded to Steve."How was your childhood?"
My childhood wasn't that fun as compared to others. I had no time for toys and hardly did I play video games. So in general, my childhood wasn't fun."How was the environment(home) as you grew?"
Mmmmm...I was always with Dad and was all alone when he left for business trips. I never and I've never played with my kid sis. Due to this, we do not have that brother-sister love and chemistry. The environment wasn't best for me."How were/are you with Mom?"
I'm not cool with Mom and I've never been okay around her. What is motherly love? I have no knowledge about that. I felt that as I grew."Did you have that kind of emotional support every child needs while growing?"
Oh no, a very big no. I was ill-treated by Mom which made me feel ostracized from the family. At a point in time, I thought I wasn't my Mom's child. Dad only kept me company by making me sit with him at his office as he works. He's the only one that gave me that much concern and love. I grew up very timid. I became active when I met Joel in class six."So to your love life now, how many ladies have you dated and who are they?"
I've dated numerous ladies. I do remember a few that's the recent ones. That is Davida, Joy, Lisa, Lois, Ann, Cheryl and others."Mr. Badman, among these girls, who did you love most?"
Hahaha love? I don't really know. Umm, Davida kinda had this special thing about her which I liked most. She made me feel like a king and was always around me. I think I liked her most."Why did you break up with them and how did you feel when you hurt them?"
Okay, for me, after I hit the core, immediately you try to stress me up, 'powww' you go. I felt nothing when I saw them hurt. It is a woman who caused me to be this bitter. It's a payback."Don't you think it would be advisable you pit a stop this cruel act of yours?"
I hope to stop someday but not sooner. My Mom really hurt me and still keeps hurting me."We hope you stop sooner. About your current girl, Jalony, how did you get her?"
She fell for my gentle outlook. I didn't force myself on her, I just played cards pretty well and cool. I made her feel me, I made her yearn for me and finally, she dumped her boyfriend Josh and run to me. She did propose to me, I didn't."Everyone knows Kevin to be the ladies date wish. So are you willing to keep Jalony this time around?"
Mmmm...I think so but not certain about it. I don't like her, it's just lust. I want to have her body to myself that's all. She's famous too and will add up to my Kevin brand. Hahaha"Ah well but we advise you stop this hit and run life of yours. Look at us all here, we are all entitled to one amazing girl but you can't stay for even a month. It's very bad", Johnny cuts in.
"Let's shift from the love stuff, what are your dreams?"
I have nightmares, that is to stop playing with the feelings of ladies and settle with one someday. Also to sail through High School with desired grades to help get myself enrolled in my university of choice. Graduate with first class and get myself a multi-billion paying job and boom."That's nice. We're all hoping for such breakthroughs. Tell us your happiest and most sorrowful moments or days."
I have none. I'm only happy when I'm around you guys that's all."So last question to end the chat since no questions will be taken again. Where do you want to see yourself in the next ten years?"
I want to be happy."That's all. Kevin you nailed it tonight and it was awesome in here boys. We know our boy's problems now", Steve ends the conversation.
"Whoosh, charlie this was lit. You're a great journalist Steve, why don't you consider pursuing journalism?", says Joel.
They chill for sometime before they head home. Kevin stayed till next day.
Now we kinda know much about Kevin and the cause of his actions. What happens next?
Let's keep reading.
Thank you for reading🙏. Please do well to vote for this chapter and your comments are welcome.

Short StoryA boy who felt no motherly love as even his mum disliked him, decides to play with the feelings and heart of any girl who comes his way. He got so many girls broken to the extent that some needed a therapy. He finally gets broken as he decides to st...