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Shuichi's POV
Everything was black.

All I heard was silence.

I think I died.

I don't wanna die.

I'm not gonna be able to see Kokichi again..

Then a noise.

A beeping, like a hospital heart monitor.

Then I heard something else

A voice

I know this voice


3rd person POV
Kokichi was sitting at the side of an unconscious Shuichi. "Hey Shuichi.. if you can hear me, give me a sign.. I need to know your alright" Kokichi said tearing up

Shuichi didn't move. All that was heard in the room was the sound of the heart monitor and Kokichi trying not to cry.

Recovery girl walked in just then. She walked over to Kokichi and tried to comfort him. He tried to say he was fine but she hugged him anyway. Which did help him some, but he didn't want to admit it.

"So how is he..?" "Well as far as we can tell he's either in a coma or just passed out, so he could wake up today or in the near future or he could die in whatever state he's in and so far we have no idea which the case is.." Kokichi was shocked. His beloved could die in a coma or whatever it was or he could wake up and be fine

"how d-do you not know?! Your supposed to know!" "Well we've only dealt with this type of quirk once before and it wasn't like his it was different and because mind quirks are so rare we don't really have an idea of what it can and can't do" tears welted up in Kokichi's eyes

"well do you at least know if he could possibly hear me" "it's possible but not probable. Meaning that it's possible he could hear you but it's not likely" "I knew what it meant.."

"I'm sorry sweetie. Also while I'm here I would like to get his information into the hospital log. Do you know his-" "yes I know all of his information" "ok name and date of birth?" "Shuichi Saihara, September 7th 2003" Recovery girl wrote that down on a clipboard that she had picked up from a table "what are you to him?" Kokichi paused for a moment

"b-best friend I guess.." "emergency contact?" "His mother and put me down as well" "ok allergies?" "None" "what's his quirk?" "Mind influ- wait I thought you already knew that" "I do I just wanted to see how far you would go with his information and let me just say I'm impressed that you know everything about him"

Kokichi slightly smiled as a tear rolled down his face which he wiped off as soon as he realized he had a tear on his face "he'll probably be ok sweetie, he seems like a strong one" two more tears left Kokichi's eyes "y-yeah he is.." Recovery girl hugged him once more then left as Kokichi silently broke down crying at his beloveds side "I really h-hope you can h-hear me, my beloved.."

Oumasai Villain Kokichi x Villain Shuichi My Hero Academia AUWhere stories live. Discover now