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You were getting ready with your dress even though you don't want to. Jaebum came to your room and saoid.

"Don't you dare to do anything that will get suspicious about you. If you do that then you are getting my beats. Got that?" He said and went away.

You look down thinking how must Yoongi spent without you. Many questions were in your mind.

Suddenly someone tap on your shoulder and you flinch a little. You turn around and saw.......

"Appa what are you doing here? And where are the others? Did he come?" you ask.

" Y/N there is one thing you should know. Plz don't lose hope. Be a strong girl y/n. Be confidence about yourself. He will surely come and save you and my grandchild."he said.

Tears fallen from your eyes without knowing and you said

" Appa promise me....promise me that you will never come to save me. Save Haeun only but not me. He should forget me. Appa plz. Do as i say or else he will not spare him. He will kill him and Haeun. Plz." you said while crying.

"Y/N i know you are hiding something from me. Come on tell me y/n-ah. You are my daughter." your father said but notice something in your right wrist.

" Y/N w-what happened to your wrist? Its red. Who did this to you?" he sound angry.

" A-appa i-its n-nothing. I am alright. I-its was n-nothing but i accidentally p-place my wrist on a hot pot." you said while stuttering.

" My daughter never stutter. You are lying y/n why can't you just tell me?" he said.

You look down looking on the floor.

" Its ok my child. But i will come to save you and Haeun." he said and went away.

You went outside with some random guy. You saw all the boys except Yoongi.

The priest started to do his work.

" Can you Im Jaebum take Lee y/n as your wife?" the priest said.

" Yes i do." jaebum answered.

" Can you lee y/n take im jaebum as your husband?" the priest ask you. You look down not wanting to look up. The priest ask the same question again.

" Y-yes i d-do." you said closing your eyes with tears.

The boys knew there were tears in your eyes. Even your father get worried about you.

Soon the wedding was finished. You went near your father to talk but jaebum got your wrist and drag you to his room.


I was about to talk with appa but then that unknown guy grab my wrist and drag me somewhere in his room. I got scared a little.

" What did you tell him?" he ask.

"I d-di-din't t-t-tell him n-n-n-nothing."
i replied stuttering. Why did i stutter.

" So you didn't tell him nothing? If so then why were you crying?" he ask again. I look down crying silently.

" I AM ASKING TO YOU LEE Y/N." he suddenly shouted at me.

" I didn't do anything." i shouted back.
He grab my right wrist and grab it tightly. I was struggling to let my wrist go.We went somewhere in a room. He push me harsly on the ground and gave me a short and a shirt.

" Wear this now. I will wait here. Don't take too much time only 3 seconds." he said. Is he out of his mind. i thought to myself.

After some 5 minutes i came out. I was uncomfortable with these styles

" You are late. 4 mins 57 seconds." he said and grab my hair tightly.

" S-s-stop. I-i-its h-h-hurt. Ahh." I shouted but no one waa there for me.

" I did tell you to not make suspecious of you. And you make that. You made a big mistake." he said and started to grab my chin harsly.

I was feeling helpless. I couldn't cry. If i cry he will beat me more. I don't know but all of a sudden i couldn't be a strong like before.

" I have a girlfriend. She will come here tomorrow morning make sure you wake up excatly at 6:00 a.m. Now you have some work."

Seriously does he wanted to do this kinds of things.

" Clean all the rooms and after that you should make coffee for me.

" I-i am very t-t-tired. C-can i rest for the n-n-night?" i ask a little bit scared. I don't know what he will answered.

" NO."he said shouting.

All his boys came near me. Among there was a man who was 40.

" Let her. go my child. She is just an innocent girl." he said.

" I am sorry but I don't like your characters. You are not like this." his one guy said.

" I don't care. She is his only weakness. I can use her." he said and i was just looking down. After that they help me stand and went to my room.

" Just ask anything you want. I will sleep here on the couch. Take some rest. We will surelu help you to get your real husband." the old man said.
And he sleep but I couldn't sleep but cry silently.

Ok guys I am back. I didn't know that my story will go 900+. Thanks for reading my first book. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Thanks again

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