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같은 말 (Like That)바닐리 아쿠스틱 (Vanilla Acoustic)●━━━━━━───────

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같은 말 (Like That)
바닐리 아쿠스틱 (Vanilla Acoustic)




Seeing Eric's smiling face as he walked to the ICU made Juyeon's heart almost stop. After receiving the news that Eric would be able to leave the hospital after a week, meaning he'd have to spend Christmas staring at white, Juyeon grew the excitement of a small child receiving the absolute best present they would ever get for Christmas. Although Juyeon would leave soon, he wanted to spend his last days with Eric, even if it was in hospital.

"You can go in now." They doctor left the room, and even if Juyeon had no idea what he said due to barely paying attention to him, but got the hint and walked into the room, a widespread smile on his lips.

"Hyung — Merry Christmas," Eric grinned immediately, sitting up straighter. Juyeon walked into the room, pulling the chair beside the wall to the bed and taking his backpack off. He put a soft kiss on Eric's forehead.

"Merry Christmas, baby," he smiled softly. "The apartment feels awkward without you. Dylan and Amanda are there, and they take care of me, but it's kind of awkward when she's around, I don't know why."

"Probably because you don't know her too well," Eric suggested, watching as Juyeon sat on the chair. "Did he say when he's coming to visit? It's Christmas, after all."

"Yeah, he's coming before dinner time," Juyeon replied, opening the backpack to reveal snacks. "I know it's not the best time, but I wanted to… discuss the future. I can't exactly leave Seoul to come here permanently."

Eric seemed to think for a moment before sighing. "I actually want to return to Seoul, but the fine dust is just too dangerous. Even so, we can work around it. Also, a dietitian in the hospital is writing up a permanent diet plan for me so that I can keep up my platelet count and keep up my blood pressure. I'll be able to live easier now."

"So coming back to Seoul is a possibility?" Juyeon suggested excitedly, earning a positive nod from Eric. "Oh my God, please don't get my hopes up. There's nothing more that I want than for you to return to Seoul."

"When Jiwoong hyung came back with the news that he proposed and that Amanda was pregnant, I thought more about it," Eric continued. "I have to consider moving out, now that he's growing up and starting a family. I gotta let go of our tight friendship at some point."

Juyeon hummed, taking Eric's hand in his own. "It's not that bad. We can start looking for apartments, and I'll contact the people as soon as I get back to Korea after tomorrow."

"You don't need to do anything so soon — I gotta talk to my parents first," Eric laughed a bit, shaking his head. "Don't get too excited. I just want to get out because you only got to show me how mature you are once."

"Well, if you came to Seoul," Juyeon began, lacing his fingers with Eric's, "I could show you whenever you wanted."

Eric laughed a bit and hit Juyeon's arm. "Whatever. Don't you want to be with your family on Christmas?"

"Christmas is a Christian holiday — my family is Buddhist."

"Oh, right." Eric opened a bag of the chips and put one in his mouth. "You know, Christmas isn't as meaningful as it used to be, like when I was a kid. It's just another day to me. Lowkey because I was in hospital often and never properly recovered."

"Christmas didn't have a particular meaning to me either," Juyeon shrugged. "If it's considered such a special day, I'm glad I get to spend it with you."

Eric hummed, smiling as he leaned forward and gently kissed Juyeon's forehead. "Merry Christmas, regardless."

"So do you want a big or fair-sized apartment? Single or double room?" Juyeon asked, taking his phone out his pocket.

"I told you not to get excited."

"Still — I want to be prepared." Juyeon opened Notes and looked at Eric, opening his mouth wide. Eric gave him a chip and ate one himself. "So — I'd prefer double room so that I can use the second room as a study."

"Just out a desk up in the room," Eric frowned. "Two rooms is too much to account for, and we're both pretty messy, so I doubt you'd take great care of the second room."

"But two rooms is good for the advantage of having a second room. We could even make it a second bedroom. What if Kevin and Chanhee get into an argument and Chanhee just rocks up at our front door? Then he could sleep there."

"Or he'd sleep on our couch, like any freeloader."

Juyeon sighed. "We'll go for both options, I guess. Open-plan kitchen, obviously. Big main bedroom?"

"Medium is fine," Eric shrugged. "I want a balcony, for the aesthetic."

"Yes, of course." Juyeon typed on his phone for a bit, opened his mouth widely again and Eric fed him again. "Location."

"Close to a hospital," Eric said flatly, earning a laugh from Juyeon. "I mean, that's a given. At least near a Netcare hospital, if not near a regular hospital. Private is okay as well because I'm under medical aid."

"Should we be further up a building or lower?"


Juyeon typed on his phone and reached into his backpack, pulling out a strawberry milk drink. "What'll the budget be?"

"No more than a million a month."

"A million?!" Juyeon exclaimed, looking at Eric in shock. "What the heck?!"

"Hyung, it's Seoul city — lowest rent is probably ₩950,000 at least," Eric scoffed, eating another chip. "If we can make it for a million, it'll be a miracle. Besides, I'm sure my parents will pay the lease. As long as you have a stable income for food and stuff, since I can't really work, unless I work somewhere that's well ventilated and generally hygienic."

"What about a cafe?" Juyeon asked, drinking from the strawberry milk. "I only earn half a million won a month, and I still support my grandmother with her medication, which is half my pay. School isn't a problem, since I got into SNU with a scholarship."

"And you got classes again on the 14th of January, so we gotta sort out the apartment as soon as possible," Eric muttered, biting the nail of his thumb in thought.

Juyeon smiled a bit. "So it's a definite that you're moving to Seoul?"

"Don't count on it," Eric said, his tone rather teasing. Juyeon simply smiled as he drank of the strawberry drink. He was excited, and he had every right to be — he'd be with the love of his life forever, and nothing could make him happier.

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