The Never-ending Altar, The Lord and the Quest

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The central altar was connected by a bridge from the main hall filled with sculptures. As we walked on the bridge, I saw a glimmer of light at a distance which grew in intensity as we neared it.

The Never-ending altar, where the Lord and the council sits. There were no walls, nor a roof or a floor. Instead there was a whole new endless landscape, like this room held its own world inside it.

There were pillars on either side of the hall making an aisle towards an elevated platform in the center made out of crystal.

The pathway which split the entire hall was the river which flowed from Mount Niamh. It was like we were walking on the river and never drowning. Embattled banners with golden quilting hung from the pillars. Between each banner stood a large candlestick, which illuminated the artistic depiction of powerful creatures below them.
The crystal throne where the Lord sits was embedded with countless gems flickering like stars in that endless space. Behind and above the throne were countless gilded benches made of gold, where the council members and thousands of angels sit and sing praises to the Lord. The hall was always filled with music and chants. 'Blessed are those who enters Amhran, for this glorious temple was none like the other in the entire universe.

I was left speechless by this view, I have never felt this kind of energy before. Just standing there atop the river, the sound of the chants and beauty of the landscape it made me realise how great the Lord is, and it only made me more ecstatic to be under his presence.

As we stood there all the 8 other Archangels entered the hall with more beings that looked like us.

The Guardians of the realms stood in front of the altar and raised their right arm to the front with their palm facing down and in a loud and bold voice they recited the laws of the heaven.

That's when a loud thunder followed by a bright lighting struck the throne. Alarmed by this sound we shivered and were all brought down to our knees. That's when I knew we were in the presence of the Lord and the council members. The chants grew louder and the chimes struck exactly 9 times. The whole of Amhran shook at his presence.

"That was totally unnecessary... Someone please fix the thunder" the Lord said. Gabriel rolling his eyes and sighed. "Greetings my lovely Children, Welcome to my not so humble home" he laughed.

Amazed by his greeting, we all stood up puzzled by his sense of humour. As I looked up I saw the Lord in all his glory seated on his crystal throne. "Let the council begin" he said.

With no time to waste Gabriel stepped forward with a scroll in his hand and recited the rules for the quest, "Hear thee, Hear thee, for the birth of a guardian means the birth of a human. For every human there is an angel to lead them to their destiny. By the sacred rules of the Heaven we do our service of the Lord from Heaven. But to connect with thy human one must place the red star crystal at the heart of his designated human. Right after this quest you will be brought back to heaven to fullfill your duties".

After this was said Miguel who was the guardian of the 7th realm stepped forward and recited another set of rules, " Hear thee, Hear thee, this quest will also lead you to other human beings, for whom you will be allowed to use your powers that has been given by our Lord. You shall use this opportunity to learn about your powers".

As adventurous and challenging as it may have sounded, a little part of me was scared. Going to a place where no one can see you, and help these beings when required sounded a little sketchy to me. But on the other side I was excited by this quest. If someone was willing to put in so much detail into creating Heaven, then I could only imagine the amount of detail that must have gone into creating earth. I believed that the earth must be as beautiful and as extraordinary as heaven.

Just as these rules were stated Raphael the guardian of the 2nd realm came forward and announced " Our visitors from the far beyond, the Orion siblings".

That's when the sky cracked opened and three rays of light passed through the altar. Three beautiful Godly beings emerged from the rays of light.

Alnitak, the oldest brother of the three who seemed quite calm and reserved holding a wooden box filled with red star crystals.

Alnilam, the youngest sibling and the most mischievous of them all and said to be the best at giving riddles was holding a sac filled with scrolls.

And the second sibling, the only daughter of Orion, Minataka who was said to be one of the best warriors, the only one to be trained under Athena the Goddess of war held the compass.

The Orion siblings stepped forward and introduced themselves "We are the Orion siblings, we mark the northern night sky when the Sun is at its lowest point".

Raphael explained how the siblings have been guiding humans to find land and many more. Then the archangels stepped forward and said "Let's proceed with our ritual".

The orion siblings gave each of us the red star, the scroll and a compass. The red star is to be placed at the heart of our designated human, the scroll will have puzzles that will help us use our powers wisely and lastly the compass that will guide us to our human.

Once this was done the Orion siblings vanished in a spark of light. That's when we all realized how serious this quest is going to be. A lot of questions rose among us, and fear and silence struck among that endless hall.

The Lord then got down from his throne and gave us a reassuring smile. " Do not worry my children, for the lamp never burns out, and those who seek help will always be given a hand" He raised his hand and opened a portal, swirling in mid air. He stood before the portal and said, "My beautiful beings, he said cheerfully, "There is no right or wrong in dealing with the humankind , for their destiny is already written. But choose your powers wisely. No matter what their destiny is, your decision will have its consequences. And most importantly you shall not punish anyone, for it's not your place to judge, but mine. So be aware". As he said this, he lifted his arm and snapped his finger, "A little present for your journey" He said and grinned.

The guardian angels started floating in the air and a thin line of wind passed by us. That's when we realised we had a huge pair of wings that grew from our back. Rejoiced by this everyone of us bowed down to the Lord and took our flight towards the portal.

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