I'm Telling God

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   Do you believe in destiny? A little something like a miracle and an ounce of magic thrown your way when you were least expecting it. Is this it? I'm not sure if this is what they meant by destiny, but I sure thought it was.

      The kind of destined meeting in the most chaotic surroundings. The feeling that muted all my worries for a second. Almost all kinds of humanly emotions flew past me. That's how I felt when I saw Amelia. A five year old who I thought had the brightest future.

   It was almost to the end. All I had to do was place this crystal in her heart, and this long dreadful journey would come to an end. I didn't think of what was going to happen after I leave Earth. I never really did. Would I miss it? Most certainly not! But what will Heaven feel like now? Now that I've seen the most cruel beings on Earth and their creator in Heaven. The Lord whom I adored, how will I feel when I see him again?

   But one thing was certain, I needed some answers and the only way to do it was to go back. So I ran towards my precious Amelia.

   Oh! What joy it bought me. Like a lover running towards 'the one'.

   I ran among the hell like commotion around me. The crowd was running towards my way, pulling and pushing others, trying to save themselves. That aching pain in my head was still there and so were their screams. But nothing mattered at that point. All I cared about was Amelia.

   I felt Amelia's fear. Her tears rolling down her rosy cheeks as she clung on to her teddy bear. My poor thing! To experience such a grotesque incident. I just wanted to hug her and fix her broken heart. I could sense her loss, her loss of faith in humanity.

   So I ran, I ran like the Northern wind hitting those mighty mountains.

    She was standing there all alone, not knowing what to do. But she stood there boldly facing the soldiers who were mercilessly killing everyone. Almost like she was using some kind of an invisible force to stop everything. My poor child, what are you doing?, I thought.

   At that moment I felt this strange energy pass through me. Like this whirlpool of emotion crumbling down in my stomach. Like something bad was about to happen. I was just a few feet away from her. I knew something was going to happen, so I increased my pace and I reached out my arm towards her. For the very first time I yelled out her name. "Amelia" I screamed.

   She turned around still clinging on to her teddy bear, and with those pearl like eyes she saw me. For the very first time our eyes met. Tears rolled down both of our eyes as I screamed her name again. "Amelia, I'm coming" I yelled. That's when I heard it.  The sound of a trigger being pulled and a shot being made....

   A bullet flew right past her chest and through me, it went out. Amelia stumbled down on her knees as she fell softly down in my arms. I placed her head on my lap and I weeped. She was bleeding out and was in terrible pain. I was able to feel everything she felt. Breathless and in vain I heard her final words. She looked right into my eyes and said, "I'm telling God", as she took her final breath.

   "What has this horrible world done to you?" I screamed.

   Why is love so difficult and painful in this world? Our love was ill-fated to begin with I guess. I placed my head on her chest and screamed in pain. I wanted to save her so badly. I wished I had that power. A love story that ends in vain will never be forgiven. No one will be forgiven for this, I told her.

   The Red star crystal appeared once again in front of us shining with all its might, and slowly crumbling into ashes, flew away with the wind. It's all over. My precious Amelia is dead.

   Somehow reality struck me like a rollercoaster. Innocent people still running away from the explosion and guns. "How many more?" I screamed in vain. "How may more has to die so pointlessly?"

   With trembling hands and unstable feet, I stood up. The anger inside me creating waves of electricity around me. Thunder and lightning fumed through my body, growing wild and completely out of anyone's control.

   The sky turned red and clouds covered the sun.

   For a brief second the whole commotion including the armed soldiers paused and looked up to the sky in confusion . As the Sun turned blood red so did the veins in my hands. And through it came a blazing fire of blue lighting. I've never felt so powerful in my life.

   I didn't understand why or where this strange energy came from. But I knew exactly what to do with it. I knew very well in my head about all the rules that I would be breaking. But I had no other option. Amelia is dead, and I'm not letting another innocent soul die this way.

   I looked  right into the eyes of the humans and said, I will never forgive anyone for this. I shot up to the sky, and held out my arms to draw more energy from the sky.

   A magnificent gold light passed all around me. It was like I had all the powers of the Gods at the same time.

   With the power I had, I threw the lighting bolt right onto the Earth's surface.

   The lighting bolts shook the Earth's surface. Walls dividing the borders of many nations broke down to dust. The armed trucks and all kinds of weapons slowly flew into the air circling around me like a tornado.

   As all of humankind witnessed this incident right in front of their eyes, I took one long breath and turned everything that was destroying the planet into ashes.

   Humans fell on their knees astonished by this act, crying out loud. At that moment the entire humankind felt my pain. The clouds got thicker and darker and poured down as rain onto the land washing away their sins.

   The energy inside me faded away burning my wings and body, leaving me onto the ground next to Amelia.

   As the rain poured on me, my memories on earth flashed before my eyes. "Was it worth it?" I asked myself as I slowly drifted away from my senses.

   The sky cleared out and a ray of light shined upon me. A white pegasus flew out from the clouds and came towards me. She kept her forehead over mine and in a flash we left earth and I was taken back to heaven.

   When I finally opened my eyes I saw myself in a peaceful meadow, lying on the Lord's arm.

   The Lord with tears in his eyes asked me, "My child, What have you done?".

   I smirked and said with a weak voice. "My Lord, I'm not sorry for what I did. You have created a horrible world with lifeless souls. There is no sense of love or kindness towards anyone. Innocents killed while the rich enjoy their feasts in their fancy house. Children are thought to hate and to chase a meaningless dream. All because of something as lowly as money. All running towards an invisible throne that doesn't exist.

Why Lord? Why aren't you doing anything? You could change everything and put everyone in their place with a snap of your finger. Yet you sit here doing nothing about it".

   I pushed away from the Lord and said, "I'm disappointed, and I lost faith in everything. I don't care if this is my end. Do what you must, I don't care anymore". I said with a shivering voice.

   The Lord teared up more and looked down in shame. With shivering hands he pulled me close and hugged me. He gripped onto me tightly and asked again, "Oh Lucifer! What have you done!".

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