My Little Treasure

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   Do you ever wonder what would be the first thing you would say when you meet the Lord? Well... For me, at first, before this quest on earth began, all I wanted was to praise the Lord. Oh how I wanted to praise him for creating such a magnificent universe. And to thank him for my existence, to experience this wonderful miracle.

   But of course, everything I dreamt of saying to the Lord changed during this quest. All I had were the, "why's??".

   Funny how when I was taken back to heaven, it was the Lord who asked me that.

   Well... Can't blame him. I did what I had to do. I had to put an end to everything. That's how the humans will learn.

   What did I do to make the Lord question me? Well... Let's see.

   The compass lead me to my final destination. This beautiful city called Ooana, located between the hills. A peaceful city with very few population. As I took my first step into this land, I heard this pleasant melody out of nowhere. I've never heard such a beautiful melody in my life. A melody that makes you feel things, it made my heart race so fast that it made me all excited.

   That's when the Red star crystal appeared in front of me. For the first time in forever, the red star crystal was glowing. The sweet melody was coming from it. It sounded like someone was humming. That's when I knew my journey has neared its end on earth.

   The kind of excitement I felt that day was probably the last time I would be feeling that. But at that point I just wanted my way out of Earth. And knowing my time has finally come made all my hardship on earth fade away.

   As I walked towards the city, I saw this beautiful lake, which was sparkling like diamonds in the daylight, with the reflection of the glacier hill top.i sighed and thought to myself, "It's a good day to leave Earth". I was thinking of all the things I would do when I returned to heaven. I was so excited that I was skipping my way through the streets of Oona, singing, "where are you my beautiful human, it is time".

   Little did I know that this feeling will all change in a matter of few seconds.

   A loud siren started screeching from the top of the city hall. And everyone around me started to panic and run over each other.

   I was so confused, I didn't understand what was happening. It was at this point that I knew I had to find my human as soon as possible. I started to panic and run amongst the chaos.

   Bullets and bombs were fired by the army, and the chaos doubled. I saw unarmed, innocent people being shot down and bombs blowing off houses and market place. Everything crumbled down to the floor. There was screaming and cries of prayer everywhere. All those screams piercing through my head. I was able to hear every single prayer, "SAVE ME, SAVE ME!!"

   But who do I save? How do I save all these innocent people? The fate of these people were not in my hand this time. Is this their destiny? To face a sorrowful death? I've never felt so weak in my entire life.

   All I could do at that time was to get on my knees and scream. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I couldn't handle this pain I felt as I watched countless deaths. Even more painful to do nothing about it. I screamed the Lord's name. " Please Lord, show me the way for I am weak. I pleaded him to take me away from this horrid place". I was angry and terrified.

   Everything around me felt like it was fading away. Whether it was my tears or that I was feeling weak, I am not really sure. But I broke down to the floor. It was like I was going deaf.

   At that second everything around me turned dark. It was just me and the darkness. As tears rolled down my eyes, I screamed again, "Lord please, save me".

   A bright light at the end of the darkness appeared. The Lantern! I exclaimed. The lantern sent from heaven. The lantern that came to guide me" I exclaimed. I wiped my tears and came back to my senses. I almost forgot about my main mission on earth. I knew my human was out there terrified and was waiting for a miracle. Maybe saving my human could be the solution, to end this meaningless war, or so I thought.

   As I followed the light, the darkness around me slowly faded away and I was pulled back to the chaos. As I reached the end of the light, I finally saw her.

   In front of me stood a girl, about 4 years old, tightly gripping on to her stuffed teddy bear near her chest. She seemed to be in shock with tears in her eyes. She was just a few feet away from me, But it seemed like I knew everything about her. The day she took her first breath, the day she started to crawl and walk. I knew the way she talked and the way she laughed. This feeling was so wierd. Like I found something that was dear to me.

   That's when my compass clicked and the red star crystal glowed again. My little treasure, I rejoiced. My little Amelia.




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