What does it take?

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A strong spiral wave of portal pushed us through the worm hole, we tried to hold ourselves together as we tried to balance. At one point we just gave in to the strong gush of wind and tumbled towards a bright white light. Each of us were pushed towards a different path. As the light grew bigger I lost my consciousness and I woke up in a field of barley.

The clear skies, the smell of manure, flies buzzing and the land all cracked up under the scorching sun. "Earth, I'm on earth", I rejoiced. I got up and walked towards the dry land. At a distance I saw a farm house where smoke was coming out through the chimney. I thought to myself that I should fly towards the house and maybe find an answer, that's when my compas clicked, and the pointer directed me to go towards the house. Upon nearing I saw a wooden fence surrounding the house, with chickens and pigs running about. "Interesting creatures" I thought to myself. I flew over the fence and entered the house.

An old women with worn out clothes, was taking a kettle out of the stove and pouring it into two cups. Her eyes looked so tired and her complexion was pale. I was a bit curious as to what was going on, so I could help them, and most importantly I was excited to use my powers for the very first time.

An old man walked into the house carrying a shovel and an empty sac. He looked like he rolled over a pile of mud and dirt, his clothes smelt like the manure from the field.

"Helda can you please bring me a bucket of water" he said. Mrs. Helda the old women took a bucket of water outside, where Mr. Arthur washed his hands and feet. He then sat on his arm chair and sighed.

"How was your day sweety" Mrs. Helda asked. Mr. Arthur taking out his pipe and rolling tobacco grumbled and said, "One of these days Helda, I'm gonna loose my mind trying to manage this field, I plough the land, I fertilize it and I water it like any other farmer. And yet my crop withers and my land is dry as the desert. All my money is wasted trying to make this piece of waste land useful".

"There, there, honey, you know it's always like this during summer. Maybe we should ask some help from our neighbours. The Donald's land is always green and their harvest is always abundant".

"Don't be silly Helda, Donalds got the brain of a gold fish, you know very well what happened last year. If he hadn't contributed to the dam built by these politicians, we would have had enough water flowing through our field during this season. Now look at us, we don't have enough money to pay for the water. The God damn Mayor has no consideration towards us farmers who struggle day and night to feed others". Mr. Arthur got up fiercely and walked out the door grumbling.

Mrs. Helda saddened by this, got back to her kitchen to prepare dinner. Tears rolled down her eyes as she gazed out her kitchen window. "Dear lord" she prayed, "This is the third summer that we are facing another drought, we try our best to make our living but nothing seems to work out. Dear Lord, if you can hear me please bless our poor souls for we are weak".

Mrs. Helda's prayer touched my soul. I went near her, held her hands and told her things are going to turn out better than you can imagine. I ran outside the door towards the field. I stood there and held my arms up in the air. And with all my power I declared, " In the name of the Lord, I command this field to flourish, let the crops grow in abundance and never wither. A fraction of lighting came from the bottom of my feet and all the way towards my palm. I could feel it, this energy, I felt my power rumbling deep within my soul. As I released my power the lighting flew over the field. The energy was so strong that it pushed me down on the dirt.

" I did it", I yelled. I got up to see what my power was capable of. Nothing! Nothing happened! I was so confused. "Did I do it right? Why did it not work?". I tried it again, with all my power. Again nothing! I became so frustrated. I tried again and again, all night, until I couldn't. But nothing happened.

I gave up on this and dragged myself towards a tree near the field. I rested my head on the trunk and unconsciously closed my eyes.

The next day I was woken up by the sound of a loud motor. Mr. Arthur came to the field to spread the fertilizer. I was still unable to move. So I rested under the tree. As the sun set down, Mr. Arthur came and rested under the tree. Rolling his tobacco he looked at the sunset and said, "Well look at that, another day passed and nothing prospered. I should've just followed what the old goose Donald did. Maybe that way I would have at least had the Mayor's support". With a slight chuckle, he said "Do you think it's funny Lord? Watching me make a fool out of myself? I wish I knew what to do".

Mr. Arthur placed his straw hat on his face and took a nap. I looked at this poor man and said, "I wish I knew what to do too, even with all this power I am not strong enough to help you." I sighed.

That's when the scroll flew infront of me and opened. In it was written, " Every golden bee makes honey with great determination. They can't give up on it's creation or cut corners with quality."

As I layed there wondering what it meant, this sudden question rose in my head. A golden bee can't cheat to make their honey. Everyday the bee's fly around field after field to collect it's nectar." Alot of questions arose and that's when I realised that I can't take a shortcut in this quest.

So I pulled myself up and started to think "Is Mr. Arthur fertilizing the land right? Is every single piece of land ploughed the right way?"

I collected all the information I possibly could with my power and bestowed it to Mr. Arthur. With a jerk Mr. Arthur woke up and ran towards the town. He purchased few materials and added it to his fertilizer. Every morning for the next 90 days Mr. Arthur woke up, went to his field and started ploughing his land. Step by step I was guiding him with all the information that I collected.

During my entire stay there I was beginning to understand the purpose of this quest. Everything has it's own way of happening. If a swish of my hand could fertilize the dry land the man would never learn the importance of hard work or determination. Just like a bee, every single living creature on Earth has its duty towards survival. And there's never an easy way out.

I went back near the tree to see this beautiful piece of land that was flourishing. As the sun set behind those hills, I was able to see the beauty of the Earth slowly going to rest. Mr. Arthur and Mrs Helda stood under the tree holding hands and thanking the Lord for this beautiful gift of life.

I knew my job here was done. I took one long breath and gazed at the Lord's creation. That's when a little droplet of water fell from the sky. "My oh, my, what is this beautiful occurance that's happening here." I wondered. Mrs. Helda jumped up with rejoice and said, " look honey the monsoon rains have finally arrived this year." The couple couldn't contain their happiness by this sight.

Looking at the couple enjoying the rain made me like earth even more. "Rain brings happiness I guess" I said to myself as I walked away for my next quest.

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