New Neighbors

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I woke up to the other girls shaking me. "Get up Care breakfast is ready."Brandy shouted. I shot up unless you don't know food is my life but I'm not fat. We all rush downstairs to see eggs and bacon. My mom hands us all plates. "Guess what Carolyn, we have new neighbors so I expect you and the girls to go introduce yourselves." I groaned as my mom handed me a plate of cookies. I finished my breakfast and by now it was like 2 so we all quickly got dressed and headed over.Livy grabbed the plate of cookies. We opened the door to see a man in about his 50's. We talked for awhile, it turns out he has a stepson and his wife is named Karen (I don't know her actual name). He wanted us to meet his stepson because he apparently went to our school. We heard footsteps rush down the stairs and my jaw dropped when I saw who it was.
Ha CLIFFHANGER but you probably already guessed who it was but oh well ily 💗💗💗💗💗💗👍👍👍👍👍👍
Later Lovelies

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