Chapter Eight: Relationships

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"Be my girlfriend".


I caressed her face, placing some hair behind her hair which causes her to stop talking.

"Y-Y/n I-"

We kissed......


But this time, I'm the one who made the first move. We kiss passionately, taking breaths in between each kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck and I place my hands on her waist.

She breaks the kiss and says...... "I love you too and i will be your girlfriend."

She then hugs me and places her head in the crook of my neck. I can feel her warm breath on my neck, she's breathing hard..... Her breathing causes a chill down my spine, causing my heart to beat fast.

"Calm down Y/n.... your gonna have a heart attack". She chuckles

She noticed my heartbeat???

"Uhm..... Y-Y-Yeah......." I hug her tighter hoping it would calm me down but it makes it worse. I start to feel her heartbeat now. It's just like mine.....

"I guess we both need to calm down huh.."

"Y-Yeah." She releases me and looks at a nearby tree.

I scratch the back of my neck and look at the ground.

"Its almost winter....." she says, breaking the silence.


"What are you doing for Christmas?" She asks, now looking at me.

"Probably the same as every year, family dinner and a gift exchange. You??"

"Nothing..... it's only me and my grandma and she's in the hospital so.... yeah...." she says, now looking back at the tree.

"O-Oh.... I'm sorry.."

"Its okay..... you didn't know.. it's not your fault.." she sighs and looks back at me and smiles.

"You should come to my house for Christmas!" I exclaimed smiling widely at her.

"You really want me to come?"

"Yeah! We can stop by your grandma as well!"

She smiles widely at me and begins to cry a little.

"What wrong??" My face drops as I see a tear drain down her face.

"I'm just happy....  don't worry too much."

I grab her hand and walk down the street, not sure of where I'm going.

"Where are you taking me??"

"Somewhere...... just trust me"

Trust me??? Your telling her to trust you but you don't even trust yourself! You fool.......

Minor time skip~

We somehow appear in front of a cafe and decide to go inside. We walk inside hand in hand and look around for a seat. Whilst looking around I spot Yeji, with a boy...

"Let's sit there!" Irene points with excitement to a booth and looks at me with a smile. She then notices that I'm not looking at her and yanks my arm. "Yah! Do you hear me?"

Five Years Ago (Completed) | Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now