Chapter Twenty Two: Forgiven

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(Your POV)

I release Momo and sigh...

"I really think I should go back tomorrow..." I say, denying Momo's idea to go back today.

"Nooo! You can't go tomorrow.... did you forget that finals are next week? Everyone will be busy! Just go today..." She says, whining even more.

"But today is Saturday... I need a bit more rest." I yank my arm from her and turn to go back into the house.

"You've been resting for 4 days straight!  How much more rest do you need?!" She yells, making me stop in my tracks.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh. I turn back around to her and glare at her harshly. She looks me and pouts. Why does she do this to me.

"Okay... fine I'll go today......" I say, groaning afterwards.

She smiles widely at me and walks over to her car.

"Your going back Y/n?!" Yeji yells, rushing out the door and towards me.

"Yep.... I'll see you later Yeji-kins" I smile at her and ruffle her hair. She smacks my hand away and scoffs at me, she then smiles afterwards.

I look back at the door at my mother. She looks at me with concern. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. She then mouthed the words, "I love you". I smile at her and give her a finger heart.

I open the passenger side of Momo's car and hop inside.

Time skip~

We finally make it back to the campus after a long, quiet and awkward drive.

"Okay.. so what do you wan-"

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Irene says, cutting off Momo.

"Momo brought me back..." I say calmly.

She glares at Momo harshly. Momo smiles widely at her.

"Are you okay though?" She says, resting her hand on my cheek. I'm sure she can feel how warm my cheeks are right now.

"Y-Yeah I'm good." I grab her wrist and move her hand from my face gently.

She smiles widely at me and then shifts her gaze to the ground. She then suddenly darts her head back up to me.

"Oh My God!! I forgot!!" She yells, startling me and Momo.

"What is it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not going to say, I'll let you find out on your own. Just promise me not to do something stupid." She glares at me before turning on her heel. She darts off into the direction of the female dorm.

What is she talking about.....

"O......kay...." Momo says. "Wanna get some food?"

"Sure..." I say, still looking at Irene run down the sidewalk.

Momo grabs my wrist and drags me off to the cafeteria. On our way we see multiple students in groups talking about the same thing....

"Joy and Jimin broke up!?!" Momo says, stopping in her tracks.

I look at her in shock. What is she talking abou-

"Yep... They did..." Irene says, startling me and Momo.

"D-Didn't yo- How did yo- WHAT?!" I yell drawing attention to us.

"How did you get here so fast!? And WHY didn't you tell us that they broke up!?!" Momo yells, drawing even more attention to us.

"You didn't know? Jimin just posted about it on all social media platforms". A student from the crowd says.

Five Years Ago (Completed) | Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now