Chapter Thirteen: Familiar

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I head towards the bathroom, taking slow but steady steps. As I walk I rub my eyes from tiredness. Also because I just finished crying.

I take my toothbrush and apply toothpaste. I stare at myself in the mirror harshly. I look like crap....

I begin to brush my teeth. Afterwards, I take a shower. I turn on the hot water and enter the shower.

I feel like just staying here forever...... It's so relaxing.....

After a not so quick shower I dry my hair and my body and head back to my room to get dressed.

I look around the room. Everything's gone.... I'm kinda glad and upset at the same time. I don't want to leave my old room but at the same time I want to get out of this house. There's too much memories of her lingering around.

After getting dressed I hear my mother yell,"Y/n!! Come and eat breakfast!"

I usually skip breakfast most mornings but.... since it may be a while until come back, I decide to enjoy this last breakfast with my family.

"Y/n! I'm so sad that your leaving!!" My mom yells as she shoves a slice of her pancake into her mouth.

"No your not mom. If you were really upset you would have been staring at me the entire time while I eat".

She pauses at my words and looks up at me.

"Your right..... I'm not as sad as i should be..."

"I am!!" Yeji yells making everyone stare at her.

"Awhh.. your gonna miss me?

"I have to admit... I'm gonna miss seeing your dumb face"

I chuckle at her words and continue to eat my breakfast.

"Make sure you clean your dorm okay! Make good first impressions!" My Mom shouts as I place one more box into the car.

"Also! Make sure to not stress your self. Take sometime to go party Y/n... Maybe get a girlfriend... But DON'T get anyone pregnant you hear me." My dad says in a serious tone.

"Make sure say Hi to Baekhyun, Momo and Joy for me! Tell Momo that I miss her!!" Yeji says with a small pout on her face.

"Okay guys.... I got it..... go back inside now.."

"NO!!" They all shout in unison.

"We are going to wait until you pull off" my mom says folding her arms.

I sigh as the all walk towards me and give me a group hug.

"I love you guys..... and I'll miss you"

They all 'awe' and hug me tighter. We sit there for a minute until Mom starts to cry.


"I'm sorry honey.... I-I just get emotional..." she then bursts into tears making my Dad comfort her.

"Hurry and go... before she makes you change your mind."

I open the door and sit down. I put on my seatbelt and start the car. Rolling down the window I shout and wave, "Bye!!" As they all do the same, with Mom still trying to gather herself.

I pull off from the house and head towards the college..... I guess my life as an adult begins now!

On the way to the college, I recieve multiple messages from Momo, Baekhyun and Joy.... they all are wondering where I am.... I of course can't reply, because I'm driving.....

I finally make it to the school and park the car in the closest parking spot to the males dormitory.

I hop out of the car and search around for the trio...

Five Years Ago (Completed) | Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now