Comming Home

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I ran to him as soon as I got off the plane. Yes it had only been 5 months since I left Pittsburg, but it had been the longest 5 months of my life. I saw him at the Dunkin Doughnuts at my gate, "Brian!" I shouted as I got closer to him. I felt my heart beat get faster. He was looking at a magazine rack when he turned around. Then he grasped me in his arms and spun me around just like a fairytale. I dropped my leather bag as our lips met once again. I was back home, but for good this time.

My artist job in the big apple didn't work so I to move back, but I was happy about that. I had a lot of things that I had missed. I missed my mom, Debbie, and the rest of the gang. Most of all I'd missed Brian. I missed him holding me, I missed his snarky remarks and sarcasm, but most of all I missed me. When I was with him there was spark, this boom that made me feel different. It made me feel incredible, special, and it made us unstoppable. Yes of course there were times where I was mad at him like when he didn't show up to the hospital when I was in there after the bashing. Or when he never listened to me when he was sick. Or sometimes he just wouldn't shut up. But there were also times where I loved him so much like when he saved me from the Babylon bombing. Or when he let me stay with him when my father kicked me out, or when he took me back when I realized I made a bad choice by cheating on him. I was happy when I was with him, we loved each other, and that's all that mattered.

We broke away and my smile came back. He looked into my eyes and said "Welcome home sunshine, welcome home."He grabbed my bags from baggage claim and lead me to the jeep. Oh the jeep. The car that I decided go hop in and go to the loft for the first time. We hopped in, he turned the ignition, and were on our way. We were driving home when I said to him 

"I missed you. I just couldn't stand being away. Did you miss me?" It took him a minute then he replied back, 

"Of course I missed you I had no one to come home to, no little blonde to cuddle with at night." When he said that, the piece of me that felt empty filled back up again and I knew it was him that I was missing all this time. When we got to the loft I ran upstairs and opened the door. The lights were off so I flipped the switch but it didn't work. 

"Bri what's wrong with the lights?" I ask as he finished climbing up the stairs 

"Just go in there," he said, and together we walked in.

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