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337. Chapter 337 Unwilling Use

      "Now it is certain that Fenghuanger was taken away by a man, but no one saw his appearance, so it is impossible to determine who did it. But the strength of Fenghuanger's display in Ziwei Tianfu is already very powerful.  , Also shows that the opponent is a master. "

     Jun Yuanze opened his mouth and analyzed that he found the information and summarized these clues.

     "It's just that the world's leading heroes are gathered in the Tianxue Jiancheng, and there are a lot of masters. It is really impossible to judge what is sacred."

     "There must be a way to find Huang'er! She is so simple, if she meets bad guys, she is definitely not an opponent."

     Xue Luange's eyes are deeply worried. Fenghuang'er has a hot personality. He is an unwilling master. When the time comes, he angers the other party and may suffer from skin and flesh.

     "Now people of all denominations have left Tianxue Jiancheng, and we have no way of knowing whether they are still in the city. The clues they searched for have been interrupted again, and it seems that Jinhua can only take the hell."

     Jun Yuanze looked at Yue Jinhua, who was sitting on the side of the mood, with a gleaming gaze, and now no one but him could find the trace of Fenghuanger out of thin air with all the clues cut off.

     It is not difficult for the fate of the fate to find people, and it is difficult to ask for divination in Yue Jinhua.

     To put it in his words, that is to say that the leak of heaven is to balance with life, and he wants to live for a hundred years!

     "Don't look for me for this kind of thing! I don't count! In case of a gossip, if I accidentally die, I'm thankful!"

     Yue Jinhua shook his head immediately after hearing the words. He didn't want to be like his father and grandfather, and died one by one because he knew too much.

     He would rather be an ordinary person, indulge in the thousands of flowers, drunk in the dust, listen to the flowers and smell the flowers.

     Since he took charge of the Peach Blossom Valley, he has ignored all those who came to ask about the destiny.

     The most important thing is that his whereabouts of the Peach Blossom Valley are erratic. No one can find him at all, let alone let him make a fortune-telling.

     "Brother, don't worry about Uncle Wolf, we will find people in Fengwu Jiutian even if we go to heaven, but it will take a little time."

     Seeing that Jun Yuanze wanted to persuade Yue Jinhua again, Xue Luange stopped it.

     She has never seen Yue Jinhua's true ability in recent years. She understands that he should have his own hardships, so she has no way to ask him to do what he does not want to do.

     This is her business, she will not ask others to sacrifice anything to complete her.

     He also has his own life, she has no right to interfere, so she chooses to respect.

     "Xiao Xueer, sorry."

     Yue Jinhua did not breathe a sigh of relief when she heard Xue Luan Ge's words, but instead felt guilty.

     He also wanted to help her, but he was scrupulous and did not help her.

     Seeing her understanding eyes, he felt even worse.

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