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537.Section 537 betrayed her trust
     "It's a medicine that is three-point poison. Your Excellency tasted so many kinds of herbs today. I'm afraid it will cause great damage to the body!"

     Mo Fan has been in the Southern Territory for many years and is also familiar with some medical theories. He has a deep understanding of the plants in the Southern Territory, so he reminded him.

     "I have my own measure on this point, thank you Xiongtai for kindly reminding me. I don't know where the plants around here are particularly prosperous?"

     Man Tingfang originally had confidence in her medical skills and believed that she would definitely be able to save Xueluange.

     But up to now, he has not found the antidote to Yunsang poison, which makes him particularly frustrated.

     Mo Fan was a member of Yunsang City, and he knew everything about the situation here, so he might provide him with some useful clues.

     Mo Fan was very patient to help him find herbs along the way before. He had never put on the prestige of the city lord, but had an approachable attitude.

     "Don’t tell me, this is the only one in Yunsang City that grows the most luxuriant, like the emperor in the tree, and other plants here must surrender. As far as I know, there is no place where plants grow particularly luxuriant.  It’s really rare that a few plants can survive in remote places."

     Mo Fan thought about it for a while, then told Man Tingfang about the situation in Yunsang City.

     The herbs that everyone trades here come from outside Yunsang City, and they are picked up by everyone.

     He didn't know why Yunsang City was not suitable for plant growth, but now he understands that because Yunsang trees are highly poisonous, the plants on this land simply cannot survive.

     Only a remote place from the cloud mulberry tree can be alive.

     "By the way, the antidote for the cloud mulberry tree is supposed to be near the cloud mulberry tree. I was so dizzy that I ignored such an important point."

     Man Tingfang said suddenly.

     "Let's go back to where the cloud mulberry was before."


     Mo Fan immediately drove the carriage back to the place where the cloud mulberry tree grew. He couldn't be more familiar with this place. He once came to the tree to pray for blessings sincerely, hoping that the cloud mulberry tree would protect the people in the city.

     Now Yun Mulberry almost destroyed the entire city, leaving him still lingering fear.

     "Do you hate this cloud mulberry tree at this moment?"

     Man Tingfang sat in front of the carriage and turned to ask Mo Fan.

     "I don't hate it, I just hate the wicked man who cut it off. If it weren't for that person, the cloud mulberry tree would still be the sacred tree of our southern region, guarding our peace for generations, and giving us a pure land in this southern poisonous border.  ."

     Mo Fan said calmly, treating Yun Sangshu with a tolerant attitude.

     He didn't blame all the blame on the cloud mulberry tree for causing today's catastrophe. It was just a tree that grew and grew here, nourished by rain, dew and sunshine.

     It already exists, and people gathered here because of it and built Yunsang City.  It has been uncontested and grows quietly.

     What's wrong with it?

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