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340. Chapter 340

      "Master, where is the specific location of the Divine Medicine Danfang in the Yao Ling Pagoda? The scope of the Yao Ling Pagoda is very large.  Found by others. "

     Xue Luan Ge asked, if she wanted to help Master Zun refining the imperial elixir he wanted, then she had to find the magic elixir.

     Meng Xunying said that the magic medicine remedy is in the medicine spirit tower, but the medicine spirit tower is not a small tower, it is called a tower, but it is actually a huge giant wood.

     From a distance, it looks like a giant green tower that leads directly to the sky.

     "That place is very conspicuous, and no one can get my Danfang. Even if they found the place where I placed the Danfang, absolutely no one can open it, because I set a soul ban, except me in this world.  No one can open it. If you want to force it open, the ban will rebound his strength. "

     Meng Xunying said with confidence, he knew very well about his own ban.

     Even if it was that many peerless powerhouses were unsuccessful in trying to rob, let alone now?

     "Very conspicuous?"

     Xue Luan Ge was a little confused, and I didn't know where Master had hidden the magic medicine remedy.

     It seems that it is very difficult to hide something undiscovered because the powerful drug tower is like a cloud.

     "You can see it when you look up."

     Meng Xun Ying is very glad that he still remembers where the Danfang was put, otherwise he might not have hope of rebirth in this life.

     Because his enemies cast a poison curse on him, and even burned his soul, it can be said that it would be difficult for the broken soul to be reborn.

     He had to wait for the soul to completely dissipate within the Shenglong Zunding this life, but he was unwilling, so he always tried to absorb the remaining medicine spirit in the Shenglong Zunding and saved the soul that might dissipate at any time.

     He felt that he was both unfortunate and lucky at the same time, because he met Xue Luan Ge and gave him hope again.

     It's like a gray world, suddenly there is a bright color.

     In his desperate life, there is also the light of hope.

     Looking at her rapid growth step by step, he was relieved and happy in his heart.

     He has the ability to be a successor now, even if he can not get a new life, he feels no regrets.

     "I only saw the Celestial Tree, did Master Zun hide that Danfang above the Celestial Tree?"

     Xue Luan Ge looked up and saw the sky fairy tree, and they also found that they had entered the scope of the medicine spirit tower.

     "Yes. You have a chance to get close to the heavenly fairy tree and tell you more details for the teacher."

     Mengxun Ying said, getting a positive response from Xue Luange.

     "it is good."

     Xue Luange replied, looking at Yao Ling Tower.

     "Master Feng, we are here."

     Mu Lao respectfully said, looked up at Xue Luan Ge and wanted to see her look.  It was just that she had a mask on her face, so he could see nothing.

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