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405. Chapter 405

      Yao Ling Pagoda, Zuo Yue Ruoshui, has been paying attention to the situation in Jiulong Lake and saw Xue Luange rescued Yu Xiaoxiao regardless of danger.

     Such a move dispelled the doubt of Xue Luange in his heart.

     The Zhenyao stone at Ziyao Peak was broken at that time, and everyone who appeared there was suspected.

     Xue Luange also appeared in his sight at that time, so the suspicion could not be ruled out.

     However, such a kind-hearted person must not be able to do such a vicious act.

     After seeing the danger of the rainbow fish, everyone is more careful.

     Jiulong Lake is very deep. Everyone sneaked in different directions, and soon they could hardly see where the other party was.

     Feng Lichen accompanied Xue Luan Ge's side, making her feel particularly relieved.

     Yao Shengluo Tianyi searched for Yu Xiaoxiao in Jiulong Lake and suddenly heard that the tower owner Zuoyue Ruoshui told Yu Xiaoxiao that he was out of danger, and he returned to the lake.

     This fifth level seems simple, just to find the entrance to the Nine Xiao Dragon Palace, but it is actually very difficult.

     This Jiulong Lake is much larger than they thought, and many apothecists have not been able to hold their breaths under the water until the end. They opened the water cloud mirror and left Jiulong Lake.

     At this level, many apothecians with insufficient strength were eliminated. Without strong spiritual support, they could not find an entrance under Jiulong Lake.

     "Jiulong Lake is so big, where can I find the entrance?"

     "I can't breathe in the water, I can't support it at all!"

     "The most important thing is that our elixir was most afraid of water, and now the challenge is actually underwater, which is definitely more difficult."

     "Danhui is difficult every year to the back, I am afraid that no one can pass the tenth level!"

     "Being able to cross the nine levels is already cattle."

     Everyone saw that many apothecary chemists returned to the field because they couldn't hold their breath, and they lost the qualification for the contest.

     "If Ruoshui, the test of your Danhui is really not easy."

     Mei Shuying saw Bai Ningshuang and Bai Mufeng still insisting, but if they couldn't find the entrance, they shouldn't be able to support it for long.

     "The specifications of this Danish meeting are the same as when the elders tested me to succeed the tower owner."

     Zuoyue Ruoshui said, when he inherited the position of the master of the medicine spirit tower, he also had to be tested by the Dan Hui and won the approval of everyone before finally becoming the tower master.

     If Dan Hui is too simple, then even if it is the first, it will not convince everyone.

     It is this kind of hardship and danger that makes everyone feel that sticking to the end is the only way to be superior.

     "It seems that you have made up your mind to decide the heir at the end of the Dan meeting."

     Mei Shuying nodded and listened to the meaning of the moon if all the masters of the medicinal pagodas had to pass the test of Jiulong Lake.

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