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531.Chapter 531 Colorful Southern Cloud Mulberry City
     "If you are worried about my safety, you can rest assured that I can protect myself and not drag you down."

     Man Tingfang knew the concerns in her heart, and it was precisely because of the danger in Southern Territory that he insisted on accompany her.

     "You know I didn't mean that."

     Xue Luange said with a wry smile, she was not worried that Man Tingfang would drag him down, but worried about his safety.

     "I know you just don't believe that I can protect yourself."

     Man Tingfang stared at Xueluan Song with a touch of sadness in his voice.

     Letting such a bright and warm beautiful man show a sad look makes people feel that it is really a heinous thing.

     "Okay! Let's go together!"

     Xue Luan Ge said helplessly, completely unable to take him.

     He insisted on going, and she couldn't stop it.

     If he quietly passed by alone anytime, she would be even more worried.


     Man Tingfang showed a warm smile with satisfaction. In an instant, the spring blossoms and the warm wind blows the willows.

     He is known as a medical immortal, and everyone feels that he is superb in medical skills and is omnipotent in saving the dead and healing the wounded.

     So they should feel that he doesn't need to worry, only in her eyes, he is a mortal, he will be injured and sick.

     "The tea tree I planted in front of the courtyard has sprouts. When we come back, I will make a pot of tea, and you and I will taste tea together."

     "Okay! The tea tree you planted is a rare species! I will definitely try it!"

     Xue Luan Ge said with a smile, hoping that both of them can return safely from this trip.

     "Let's go!"

     Man Tingfang knew that if Xue Luan Ge came to him, there must be something urgent, otherwise she would not come here to borrow.

     He personally established a teleportation formation all over the world in order to help her one day.

     "Thank you."

     Xueluange thanked him, and she secretly remembered Man Tingfang's help.

     She still doesn't know where Man Tingfang came from. Besides being a medical immortal, what kind of background and identity does he have?

     The two stepped onto the teleportation array, and as the dazzling spirit stones shone on the mysterious teleportation array, their figures disappeared in place.

     On the other side, Feng Lichen received a letter from Xueluange, and frowned when she saw her suddenly heading to the Southern Region.

     "The Southern Territory is now full of poisonous disasters, why did she go to that place!"

     Feng Lichen couldn't help but feel a headache. The place she went was not a fun place.

     He got the news that the poisonous disaster in the Southern Territory was severe. He did not know how many people died. Now everyone in the Southern Territory is in danger.

     People nearby mentioned the Southern Territory with horror and shunned it.

     "It seems that I have to go there myself. The last clue to the smoke that year was also in the Southern Region. It seems that the Southern Region must go."

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